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Sattalyte t1_iujmp1k wrote

Will anything good come of your telling your GF? It'll cause a rift between your GF and her parents, and it will cause a rift between her parents and you. Any fallout, and her parents will likely work to undermine your relationship with her. I can only see bad outcomes of you telling your GF this, and no good ones at all.


Practiccount OP t1_iujmt9r wrote

thats why im worried i know the messenger gets shot all the time! plus yeah i agree about the rift


IcyDay5 t1_iujsfwb wrote

If you don't tell her, her parents will continue to manipulate the situation and when she finds out that you knew it will break her heart and her trust. This is marriage-ending stuff if you don't tell. You two are a team, you can't keep secrets like that from her and deprive her of the chance to make informed decisions about her relationship with her parents.


darodori t1_iujtryj wrote

Absolutely tell her! With your other comment about them staying over night regularly, you also want to be on the look out for them taking matters in to their own hands.

Also, if you’re looking at popping the question, some advice about being married: it’s the two of you vs the problem. Not you vs her vs the problem. Tell her about this so the two of you can move together jointly. It doesn’t have to cause a rift if you tackle this as a team.