Submitted by MarleeMange t3_12706uy in relationship_advice

I won't go into full detail simply because it's a long and painful story regarding a very abusive relationship with my now ex-boyfriend.

To cut things short and sweet - my ex-boyfriend didn't care about me or my emotions. He made it very clear when he said: "I don't have the time to worry about you too." So I did what I thought I could do and turned to our friends.

They were my outlet for three months because I couldn't talk to my partner about how him treating me badly was breaking me apart.

Now please, understand that my relationship wasn't pretty, it was one sided. My ex did not spend time with me, he did not show me any affection, he always got angry with me when I showed the slightest bit of care towards him, the only time he showed me any care or affection, was when he wanted — sex. I was too blinded by love to see an issue with this.

But here is where it gets ugly.

My ex-boyfriend and I have a fight about the few things I've mentioned above; it leads to me being in the wrong and inevitably, he chooses the solution for the problem is to break up. I was still in the Honeymoon-Phase, I was so madly in love with this guy and I was dumb enough to think that he was 'The One'.

Please don't judge me for this,

I have Borderline Personality Disorder - and growing up, lying was a survival tactic to avoid getting beaten to a pulp by my Stepfather and to get my mother's sympathy and sometimes her love.

I lied to keep him in a relationship with me. I spun a story to explain why I was, according to him, needy, over emotional, sensitive, clingy, childish and stupid.

It worked but not for long.

My ex treated me like he resented me, I was told that if I had problems, I had to talk to my friends about it, he didn't have the time for me. Yeah that's what he said. I couldn't talk to my partner about anything. I had to reach out to my friends - and I understand that, that's what friends are for. But I didn't want to build my friendship or base it off of my heartbreaking relationship. So eventually I started to keep it all in.

He treated me like he hated me. Acting friendly with everyone else but God forbid I open my mouth, then his whole mood changed.

On Christmas day I reached out to him, I asked him to give me hope, to just give me some clarity because in a sense, we were taking some sort of break. That's what he called it. And when I asked that, he said to me:

"We're done."

It just, broke me. I snapped. And I couldn't take it anymore. My heart was broken, my spirit too. So I locked myself in a room with a loaded gun. I messaged my friends a final time, and sent him a final message too, apologizing for being so problematic.

He didn't try to stop me.
Before putting my phone down to go through with suicide, I glanced over our Discord group, he was in there with everyone else playing games. Like his partner wasn't about to —

My one friend called my mother after failing to reach me and she managed to stop me. We cried and she held me until I fell asleep.

The next morning — everything fell apart.

The lie eventually unraveled and it ended up in me being forced into a video-call with my ex and my two friends, they didn't even ask if I was ok.

It was all about getting the truth out of me that morning.

I was forced to show my actual prescribed antidepressants, mood-stabilizers and medicine for my pre-diabetes.

I was forced to show medical bills, prescriptions and eventually I had to bring my mother into the call as well (I'm 22 just for clarification - I live with my parents because I'm still in college.) They did everything to pull the truth out of me, threats and words that to this day cut me deep.

I eventually took a breath after the abuse and threats got to the point where I had to throw up off camera, and I told them the truth. They were hurt, and I don't blame them for being hurt. I was wrong to lie to my friends and my 'partner' but I wasn't given a single chance to explain myself, to tell them the full extent of the story or the reason.

Because after I admitted to it, they left the call.
They Kicked and Banned me from our Discord group and cut all ties with me. No communication, nothing. They've been friends with my ex for longer than they've been friends with me, so in my eyes, it was a matter of choosing a side. And they did. Without hearing the other side's story.

I've learned from my mistake and I've since become better as a person. My life has slowly been moving forward - but my heart still hurts. My ex best friend said she'd reach out to me after 'healing' but it's been 4 months, I've tried reaching out to her. Trying to get some sort of response. She never replied to my messages.

They've moved on, they've written me off and forgot about me - completely. And I wish I wasn't still stuck or hurt by what has happened.

My ex-boyfriend still reaches out to me, offering friendship. Let me explain.

After the whole incident, a week goes by and my parents take me to a museum to help me get my mind off of what has happened. During that time, my ex (M 27) reaches out to me (F 22) asking that I go to the bathroom so he can call me. I was hopeful that maybe he wanted to hear me out, try to understand my side of the story or maybe tell me my friends wanted to do the same.

I go into a bathroom stall and call him, he asks me to turn on my video so he can see my face. I hesitated, my eyes were swollen and red from crying so I didn't feel 'camera ready' but I did it.

"Why did you do it?" I tried to reply but he cut me off saying "It doesn't matter, everyone is mad at you and I don't care anymore." It shook me to my core and made me feel so, so sick. I looked at the camera as if I were looking into his eyes.

"Lift up your shirt." He said.

I was so confused, I was so out of it. I froze and stood still in front of the camera. "I want to use you. I don't feel anything for you, nothing. So don't expect this to be some sort of act of me wanting you back." I didn't know what to say, in a way I felt like I deserved this. This was what my value was brought down to. I still loved him. I was still so in love with him. I don't know why, and I ask that you don't judge me for it. He spun a few more words that manipulated me into doing it. I guess in my heart I truly hoped that he still did love or care for me — truth is, I don't think he ever did. Even when we were dating.

I lowered my shirt and told him I had to go. So I ended the call and went back to my parents, trying to stifle my tears. He sent me another message, "I hope you know the others won't be as forgiving as I am." I put my phone away and pretended like I was okay. I tried my best to enjoy the experience with my family. But when I got home I just collapsed in bed trying my best to not scream.

My ex continued to reach out to me, offering to be my friend, offering to be there. I was still stupid enough to believe that, that was him caring. But it soon proved to be the very opposite.

He started asking me sexually themed questions.

"Would you video-call me if you have sex with someone else?"

"Would you send me pictures and videos while you are having sex?"

"Would you be okay if I had sex with someone else?"

His questions got more extreme and gross which I don't wish to share.

He wanted to be friends with benefits. I knew my feelings were deeper than just lust. And I knew he was taking advantage of them all. I knew I'd be hindering myself of healing and recovering from everything. And I'd go deeper into the rest of this part but I'm honestly so tired of telling this story over and over again.

As a way to avoid further manipulation, I told him we should just be friends.

It's been, like I said, 4 months since everything happened. I still haven't heard from my old friends but my ex-boyfriend still looms. Sometimes still asking the same questions. Assuring me he doesn't love me in the process. Making sure I know that I was the one in the wrong.

I want to conclude this story with the reasons behind why my ex-boyfriend couldn't stand to be with me.

I asked for his time, which he never gave.
I tried to support him, which he never wanted.
I told him I loved him, which he rarely said back.
I talked about my feelings, which he never cared for.
I talked about my problems, which he never had time for.
I asked him for affection, which he never gave.

I'm leaving this in your hands. Advice or words of encouragement, opinions and everything else would be so much appreciated.

And that's it - so as I've been branded, I thank you for your time.

The, emotional, stupid, childish, needy, sensitive, clingy, insane, mental, ex-girlfriend.



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CrystalQueen3000 t1_jebvn9l wrote

This one is above Reddit’s pay grade, are you in therapy?


MarleeMange OP t1_jebwdyp wrote

I'm a college student with student loans, I'll need to settle for Reddit as an outlet unfortunately.


Hal_Jordan55 t1_jecd861 wrote

A lot of colleges provide this service.


MarleeMange OP t1_jecdh1x wrote

You may actually be right now that you mention it. I'll check on Monday if not, I might have found someone.


InternationalAd7211 t1_jec4w2m wrote

Baby girl.. BLOCK HIM. Have you lost your ever loving mind? BPD or not MOVE ON. MOVE ON. I cannot stress this enough.. block him on ALL social media platforms, block his gmail, block your old friends, block ANYBODY you know that still talks to him. PERIOD. No if’s and’s or buts about it.

You need to tell your therapist if you have one, you need to tell your parents you need help, and you need to start taking your medication properly if you aren’t already. From somebody with BPD to.. YOUR NOT branded, your NOT an object, he CANNOT use you and you are worth MORE than that. MORE than him. Stop degrading yourself, stop wasting your time on him and for the love of god STOP giving him SEXUAL FAVORS.


MarleeMange OP t1_jec5fba wrote

Thank you - I needed to hear that.
I've been slowly mustering the courage to block my old friends. I will do the same to him because you're so right. As a human being - I deserve so much better. I appreciate you and your comment more than I can possibly explain.


InternationalAd7211 t1_jec6rm8 wrote

Don’t just say your going to do it, do it right now. As somebody with BPD as I mentioned I know exactly how it is to wanna go back and relapse or rethink and wanna blame yourself and try to justify somebodies actions don’t do that. Don’t do any of that.

Open up to somebody in your life, tell them how you feel and what’s happening. Block those friends, block him, block anybody that knows him be done with it and you need to take a BREAK from relationships and focus on finding coping mechanisms. Journaling helps me and sewing and crocheting. I saw you mention that your a college student so if you like writing you might enjoy journaling to. It helps a lot more than you’d think. Getting out your feelings with artistic expression is also very helpful. Painting, crocheting, sewing, drawing, sketching, doodling, anything really. Maybe start looking into spirituality to, I find that helps me also and start surrounding yourself with positive affirmations.

Learn how to self soothe and remember to use your coping mechanisms even when it’s difficult and you have strong urges to go back or relapse just remind yourself why you left in the first place.

I see you like Reddit so find a group centered and focused around healing or find some on tumblr I swear there’s 100’s. For now you need to focus on YOU, and college. Period.


MarleeMange OP t1_jec8dc1 wrote

I won't sugar coat or lie - it's not easy right now even thinking about blocking him, and everyone is making me feel like I'm drowning in tar. It's heavy and hard to say goodbye to people that I've grown close to. I hate that I lied, I know what I have done is wrong, and I know I won't ever do it again. Because it's a lesson learned. It hurts. Every part of me wants to hold on to them all, but I know it'll only hurt me, set me back, and prevent me from healing.

Maybe they never were my friends to begin with, but it was one enjoyable illusion. My heart probably isn't ready for a relationship. Maybe I'm mentally not ready for one either. I could do as you said and join some groups, meet people who'll understand and help me build myself back up.

I'll invest myself more in my art and in my studies. Distract my mind and find coping mechanisms, healthy ones. Thank you. I am taking every word to heart. Honestly, journaling sounds like something I could really enjoy, so I might just try that out, too. For now, my first step of healing is blocking him and everyone that he calls his friends.


InternationalAd7211 t1_jecat62 wrote

YES. Come back when you block them and give me an update I know how hard it is, but remember why your leaving. Does he know your email? If so block his. Block him on all and any social media you know he has. If you have any pictures you’ve sent him and he still has them DELETE them. Every single one.

The amazing thing about friends is you can ALWAYS make new ones. Literally. 7 billion people on the world and it’s not slowing down anytime soon I swear you will find BETTER.!

I am so happy your gonna try journaling! I love it and I can share you some pics of my journaling book if you’d like, or share you my Pinterest board for inspiration!

You honestly remind me of myself which is why I am going so hard on this, I want you to have all the tools necessary to end this chapter of your life and start a new one.


MarleeMange OP t1_jecbj5x wrote

Thank you a thousand times over! I'll send you a personal message and update you on all of it. I'll do as you've recommended. I'll completely erase him and all of them and start new and fresh!

I'd appreciate some tips and inspiration. It would be amazing, thank you! I really can not express how much you reaching out, has meant to me today. I'll definitely keep in touch with you. And when you put it like that, 7 billion is more than enough to choose from!

I can't wait to write a new chapter with new friends and hopefully someday a new love too.


InternationalAd7211 t1_jecborg wrote

YIPPE! I can’t wait for an update! Your on the right track already I’m so proud of you! I’ll dm you the Pinterest board it’s so cute you’ll love journaling


Rust1n_Cohle t1_jebw91s wrote

>My ex continued to reach out to me, offering to be my friend, offering to be there.

False, he sounds very abusive and perhaps wants you to hurt yourself. He gets off on hurting you for some reason. He's very manipulative and a horrible person. You need to block him on everything for your own mental health.

You may have lost some people you thought were your friends, but they are not. They would have wanted to hear you out if that were so, and they didn't give you a chance.

It's time for a fresh slate, to find new friends who value your emotional well-being, then when you're ready, find a partner that isn't emotionally abusive.


MarleeMange OP t1_jebwvlm wrote

Thank you - I just wanted someone's opinion or a helping hand be it a stranger on the internet. Thank you.