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Rstar2247 t1_jeerc7y wrote

I never liked the mentality of "if you don't have anything to hide you shouldn't mind if I snoop." There is such a thing as respect and privacy. But there seems a lot of red flags here. Trust is doubly important in long distance relationships and it seems like it's gone.


ThrowRAforever459 OP t1_jeey4ca wrote

I don’t want to snoop. He had it up on his screen and I asked for clarification. I’ve been a snooper in the past and know it doesn’t bring anything positive.

I’m asking him to verify what he says, which is that the messages are nothing, and he refuses. Which he has every right to do. I just don’t think I can forgive a situation I don’t even know the full magnitude of… I suppose I’m also a bit afraid of being taken advantage of.