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KillerKittenInPJs OP t1_jaeujcl wrote

Could you clarify a little what you meant? We were coworkers for a little under a year and he was always smiling at me and blushing and I thought he was interested in me. We’d chat about mundane stuff (work, video games, nerdy music). Neither of us ever mentioned our attraction to the other. I’m assuming based on his behavior that he was at least a little interested in me.


trees1nthewind t1_jaeutn7 wrote

Like did yall ever hang out or talk about more friends things. No everyday chit chat with coworkers but like more things that would constitue a more than coworker relationship.


KillerKittenInPJs OP t1_jaeuzn2 wrote

No, we never hung out or got really personal with one another.


trees1nthewind t1_jaev9r7 wrote

And why do you want to check now?


KillerKittenInPJs OP t1_jaevnpb wrote

Well, I got in a relationship 7 years ago and moved away for that person. That relationship ended a year ago. I don’t like it here and moving back there for work anyway. I’ve been away for a few years and am reconnecting with other people I was friends with. So I have people to hang out with and do stuff.


Crazy_Perception_731 t1_jaewb78 wrote

Do you know if the other person is in a relationship or not?


KillerKittenInPJs OP t1_jaewmqo wrote

I don’t. His FB says he’s single but that doesn’t mean he is.


Crazy_Perception_731 t1_jaex3d4 wrote

Just send a message saying Hi how are you. Haven’t seen you in a long time. Was wondering if you would like to get a coffee some time to catch up.