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Regular-Desk233 t1_j6d0ckf wrote

Reality is this, society doesn’t give a shit about people that do not have a means of making someone profit. It’s not the armory district it’s the whole country. A giant race to the bottom. Want to know the solution? Simple. The system of enslavement that we live under needs to be destroyed. All the resources for humanity to thrive and progress forward are already in place. We can feed, clothe, care for, and put to meaningful work everyone. We don’t so we can keep the whole “you too can become rich” illusion alive. One of the richest countries in the world and we have people relegated to living on streets and abject poverty. How we treat the most vulnerable says a lot about us as a society. Elderly people cutting pills bc they can’t afford it, working families whose parents each work 60+ hrs a week and never get ahead, people not seeing doctors bc it’s too expensive, police killing people unarmed in traffic stops, grocery shopping costing you more and more each week while wages seem to go nowhere (profits at all time highs and corporate welfare to tune of trillions), retirements fading, home ownership becoming unachievable for most…..all while the economy gets better and better, the rich get richer and richer, and the solution to every problem is give the rich more and more.

We have cancer. The tumors you are seeing in our society point to the larger disease. The poverty that you complain of being exposed to and veil with rationalizations like “we all care/I feel bad” is just a symptom of a much larger disease we are all facing. The system is built to reward the scum behaviors. It rewards naked greed and provides those benefiting from it an endless script of rationalizations to pour on us plebs. Problem is the greedy money zombie segment of our society that wants everything at any cost. Until that is dealt with we will remain complaining about people in 2023 being sidelined and forced to live and shit on the streets. Great thing we are opening a new corporate welfare residential high rise soon tho…..sure the homeless can afford the hundreds of new $2500-3000 studio/1 br apartments they will build.


Mountain_Bill5743 t1_j6ghzgu wrote

Good observations. I think what makes that area so unusual is that it used to be priced accordingly-- so it was a bit of a mixed bag, but affordable so you were used to dealing with some of the homelessness and poverty. Now, it's like it's become Williamsburg and priced accordingly with extremely high rent and 600k starter homes. So I think some of the people have no idea what to expect when they're moving in (if they're new) and maybe the abject poverty that is adjacent to the area is jarring at those obscene prices. I will admit that I am unfamiliar with what sounds like a rushed implementation of this program at the armory and how that has changed things recently, but it sounds like maybe stuff has gotten fairly challenging.

I think a lot of the homeowners in the area who have been there for a few decades have seen the area change over the years from what was "hard to have a mortgage approved" to bordering on upper middle class and might be able to shrug it off more, but maybe not. It's a weird place.

People are so excited to see their real estate values go up,up,up here, but we are in for a rough ride as inequality and need ramps up.