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Hot-Muscle-9202 t1_j5wsj3y wrote

I looked it up a while ago and there are only about 10k Mexicans in Rhode Island. My husband gets mistaken for Guatemalan quite frequently. By Guatemalans.

Even in heavily Latino neighborhoods, there was still culture shock as there is so much variation.


messerdouglas OP t1_j5x0aw5 wrote

This is helpful to know. Thank you!


GotenRocko t1_j5x39hq wrote

Yeah for reference the past two former mayors were of Dominican and then Guatemalan heritage. Those are the two larger Latino communities in RI. Broad St and Cranston st are kind of Dominican areas of the city. Smith hill and Manton I would say is more Guatemalan.

And lots of Guatamalan bakeries FYI, that have many similar things to Mexican bakeries.


messerdouglas OP t1_j5xil1k wrote

I definitely knew there was a strong Dominican presence in Providence but didn't realize there was also a Guatemalan population there. Really interesting. Thanks!


Hot-Muscle-9202 t1_j5ycfls wrote

Yes, the Guatemalan consulate is here too. There are several K'iche speakers as well. There is also a fair concentration of Guatemalans around Cranston Street and Plainfield—it was not uncommon to see women wearing their native clothing and speaking K'iche. Just be aware of the scale we are talking about—we are talking about, like, a street and a couple of side streets coming off of it. Not like, fullblown actual neighborhoods in other cities.