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Proof-Variation7005 t1_j3y7ivt wrote

I don't really see anyone else covering it unless something inherently newsworthy comes out about the way he died. Police usually aren't quiet long if they suspect foul play or he got hit by a car or something.


lovecraft_401 t1_j3ybr9f wrote

He was found on Saturday. I imagine if it were in the public interest to know what happened they wouldn’t wait five days to tell people.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j3yf63b wrote

Yep. This is either GoLocal needling Brown or acting like they're breaking some scoop because they're first on this "news story"

Knowing what I know about Josh Fenton, I choose to believe this is more of the former.


nodumbunny t1_j3z0kxy wrote

The ProJo is now reporting it, so if we didn't already know GoLocal makes things up, we do now. In their rush to be the first to "report news" they got several things wrong (when he was found, who found him, the spelling of his name ...) Brown was trying to respect the family, and legit news sources were waiting for actual information to report. Neither seems to be a requirement for GoLocal.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j3z3pdt wrote

I’m guessing they got half a story from a cop and tried to mad lib it? Like, cyclist killed but he wasn’t on a road must mean the bike path


nodumbunny t1_j3z4woo wrote

No, his friends who were searching for him thought he was on the bike path. That was posted here and on FB in their efforts to search for him. GoLocal scrapes social media for "news".