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Patient_Gills t1_j3m5tdg wrote

Where do you live now? What sort of neighborhood are you looking for? We've got a lot of nice neighborhoods, but without knowing your priorities (walkability? Houses with yards? Interesting events and community orgs? Affordability?) it's hard to recommend. There's no really bad part of Providence, imo, unless you are very uncomfortable in neighborhoods with poor people. Some neighborhoods may be less of a good fit depending on income/interests/noise tolerance etc.


[deleted] OP t1_j3m6v81 wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j3n90pr wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j3n9xeg wrote



Sparkleshart t1_j3nb1hk wrote

Which tells us exactly what you’re looking for 😂


[deleted] OP t1_j3nbc3y wrote



Sparkleshart t1_j3nd5vx wrote

I’m saying that people who say “I don’t see how race has anything to do with it” and who don’t understand the type of dogwhistles this kind of post can bring out are generally of a particular type.


fmtheilig t1_j3m8vuj wrote

I suggest you rent a hotel room for three days and spend the time visiting various neighborhoods to get a feel for them. Also, many people do live outside the city.


LosDeedles t1_j3my5ih wrote

My wife and I just moved here recently from CT. We are in Mt. Hope, and love it here. It's safe, quiet, and reasonably priced. It seems to be mostly young families here. The walkability is wonderful too. Downtown is a 15m walk, or a free ride on the R line if i'm feeling lazy.

From what I've seen, you can't go wrong on the east side.


Researcher4Earth t1_j3mozgh wrote

A lot of nice neighborhoods in north providence and east but I would mainly avoid south providence aka elmwood ave , lots of drugged out ppl and beggers, (trust me I use to live on elmwood)