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listen_youse OP t1_j2oanux wrote

For new construction the zoning ordinance mandates some number of parking spaces per dwelling unit depending on location and size of development. Existing units with no associated parking may continue as such. AFAIK no law addresses whether parking is to be included with rent or optional at a price.

If your lease includes a parking space you are damn well entitled to an alternative when construction or the like interrupts the usual situation.

Apparently Bilodeau thinks $100 year is worth paying to get you to think they really really have your back.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j2pen4l wrote

Here’s a thought. Allow on street overnight parking like any normal city. All these sticker and zoning regs just make small landlords pave over their lawns. We had three go the way of concrete this last year - which was what the sticker was supposed to fix but when you allowed the NIMbYs to opt out and never revisit the idea?