Submitted by mkspo t3_y4r16u in providence

These cars turning right onto Olney just come clipping around the corner and are shocked that a person is crossing the street. Has a pedestrian ever been killed here? Thanks for listening.



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eric_weisenheimer t1_isfg604 wrote

Yeah, that’s an awful crossing. Was even worse before the flex posts went up for the bike lane. The city and RIPTA have been working on a plan to make the N Main corridor better for walkers, bicyclists, and transit users, and hopefully it will address this crossing.


Locksmith-Pitiful t1_ishvt3x wrote

Lmaoooo good luck RIPTA and co

All those rich fucks in the area and businesses will fight against this, and they'll likely get their way and nothing will change just like Hope st and all the other areas we try this shit

No one cares about you if you don't have a car.


wafflesandgin t1_ishtoq8 wrote

Any more information on this? I'd like to know. This seems like a project for pvdstreets to get involved in.


wearTheDamnMask_137 t1_ish800q wrote

It is the part of N. Main that curves around and goes uphill to the Whole Foods shopping center that makes me hesitate to bicycle from the train station to my house. That entire stretch leading up to Olney is dangerous for cyclists or people on scooters. A redesign would be huge.


DJFurioso t1_isi2p60 wrote

I don’t even like using the sidewalk on that section of road. Popping up to benefit if you can handle the steeper hill is the way to go. I normally go down Park and then pop up meeting street to get to benefit.


wearTheDamnMask_137 t1_isj8q8j wrote

Thanks! I might try that. I have been studying the different cross streets such as Howland, Church and Star to figure out their grades. I think they must range from "impossible" to "forgetaboutit"!


DJFurioso t1_isj9i4d wrote

The steeper the hill the shorter it is 😀 still need to get to the same elevation eventually.

I think all of those streets are about equal. Meeting is going to be the same. Main and benefit are both flat and parallel for that stretch, so there’s no real change between them.


Previous_Floor t1_isg53r0 wrote

You are apparently new to the area. Don't ever expect right of way as a pedestrian. Drivers don't pay attention to crosswalks. You need to just wait until no cars are around to cross the street. And don't worry about jaywalking here. Cross the street anywhere you want.


mkspo OP t1_isgc003 wrote

nah I've been here a minute. This is just the worst intersection I cross semi regularly. You can't really see very far down that hill on north main so even if you start crossing with no cars someone going 50 will get to you before you get to the other side.


abstractrobotica t1_isgwaap wrote

I avoid that area even when driving, much less walking. I wish there was a reasonable way to enter Providence by bicycle from that direction.


Proof-Return-6846 t1_isg09ym wrote

Most likely there are a lot of underreported accidents where a pedestrian is struck or killed by a speeding, negligent driver.


FunLife64 t1_isg33w8 wrote

What? People are hit by cars and killed and they go unnoticed or not reported?


Locksmith-Pitiful t1_ishw2du wrote

I've been hit by several cars in this city and rarely ever reported anything because I either wasn't injured or the injury was small. Not gonna waste my time and potentially get more medical bills, fuck that. I also know plenty of people in this city where the same situations happen.

Edit: Downvotes just prove most redditors on here once again don't have any idea how dangerous or frequently vulnerable road users are hit or have close calls. Enjoy hiding behind your 2 ton metal cages!


FunLife64 t1_isjjluf wrote

You’ve been struck by cars as a pedestrian several times? Ok….


Locksmith-Pitiful t1_isjxatg wrote

Mostly biking. Happens pretty frequently to pedestrians, cyclists, etc. Likely very underreported as another mentioned.

Confused, do you not walk or bike around this city or area? There is a reason people literally sprint across. This specific cross is absolutely batshit.


FunLife64 t1_isl8hz4 wrote

I live, walk, bike and drive in Providence.

You literally stated that people are killed and it’s not part of any stats. That’s a bit extreme.


Locksmith-Pitiful t1_isljsy3 wrote

Underrepresented for a few reasons I mentioned. Stop framing accidents as "people getting killed."


D-camchow t1_ish03kf wrote

Honestly one of the worst intersections for pedestrians in the entire city. N.Main needs a complete redesign.


Selrach_401 t1_isiaub9 wrote

The city is barely friendly for vehicle owners, we must fight for changes to that walking pedestrians and cyclists are safe and have a wide designated area for travel away from the cars.