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Proof-Variation7005 t1_isajfz2 wrote

Reply to comment by Status_Silver_5114 in parking?? by Fluffy-Fruit-1757

I'd wonder if there's a mechanism to to undo/change that. I've spent basically the last decade on an included street, surrounded by included streets but if someone went to their city councilor now and tried to get that changed, do they even have a mechanism for it? Has it happened anywhere?

Really, the city should just unilaterally say "if there's parking during the day, there's permit parking at night" and be done with it. Anyone who wants no parked cars allowed on their street can fuck off and move.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_isak8ar wrote

Agree! I think this idea that we want our streets to look like suburban NJ with no overnight parking is ridiculous. Our entire street's population (except for us) has turned over completely save 2 properties since then. It makes no sense.