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JeffFromNH t1_jc79go9 wrote

You could buy a t-shirt or artwork from a like minded local artist. Check them out Milk Can Industries here

Also, there's a "movement" to Keep PVD Secret, which I support, too. You can pick up merch at Frog and Toad. I got a nice cocktail glass with the logo.

Also, if you like Frog and Toad, look for their Tuesday, Online only sales. You order online and pick up in store.

And above all, don't tell the tourists. Send them to Gregg's or the mall or something. I avoid touristy place like the plague. Even before we had a plague (pandemic). 😎


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jc7irns wrote

>Also, there's a "movement" to Keep PVD Secret

I can't decide what's stupider: that slogan, or the fact that a store owned by a suburbanite who hasn't lived in Providence for decades is the one pushing it.

If their customer base was limited only to people living in the city, they'd be out of business in a year tops.


JeffFromNH t1_jc81gmj wrote

All I'm saying is Be Careful What You Wish For. Ask Austin, TX. The people I know who used to love it there have moved. Tourists and hipsters ruined it for a lot of those who made it a special place.

Providence is a special place. I'm not a native. I CHOSE to live here. I own property, pay taxes, pick up trash, connect with my neighbors and communities, I try to volunteer in every one of our 25 neighborhoods, every year. I support local music, local art, local farmers, local artists.


laterbacon t1_jc7egrx wrote

> don't tell the tourists

I don't understand this mindset. Tourism is a billion dollar industry in RI. I want their money.