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Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jbupv69 wrote

Not when you’re demonizing an entire breed. Specifics matter. Just because the chihuahua can’t kill you doesn’t mean it isn’t trying to. The mentality of the animal should be taken into consideration don’t you think?


thehillshaveI t1_jbus9tj wrote

>Specifics matter

yes they do. like the specific bite force of a chihuahua being 5 psi, vs a pit's 235 psi. that is the specific that matters if that. force is being applied to a human being.

i don't care if the intentions are the same, much like i wouldn't react the same to a murderous mouse vs say a tiger

you're complaining about pit bull bites being reported more like that's the people being bitten's fault. it gets reported more because people need medical attention more. that's not the bite victim's fault


Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jbuv2mt wrote

I never said anything was anybody’s fault. I’m talking about a statistic that’s off because a lack of reports on other bites because they either don’t require medical attention or an ER visit. Yes pit bulls have a powerful bite, but it also has a gentle, loving disposition and require a lot to throw that trigger.

You don’t care about intentions? Shouldn’t a dog that’s actually trying to kill be more dangerous than a dog that isn’t?