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Bobisadrummer t1_jb9mgm2 wrote

You should learn the difference between type of governments and types of economic policies. Because you seem to be treating them as the same thing… they’re not. Communism isn’t a form of government, it is a type of economic policy.


Chance_Bad_7437 t1_jb9mysv wrote

Capitalism: economic policy. Democratic Republic: form of government.


Bobisadrummer t1_jb9neg9 wrote

So then you should no trouble finding out how many deaths capitalism has caused.


Chance_Bad_7437 t1_jb9pneg wrote

I wouldn't say no trouble... I would have to search the breadth of the Internet for many, many smaller examples. Good place to start would probablythe market crash preceding the great depression. And I will amend my comments regarding Russia and the deaths of those citizens, since under Stalin's watch a lot of those deaths were the results of his insanity and his struggle to keep power rather than failure of economic policy.