Submitted by GoodJibblyWibbly t3_10rpcnz in providence

Howdy folks, I moved to Providence last year and have been searching for places to hunt for fossils. I used to live in Tennessee and the government had a neat little info sheet about places in Nashville to hunt for fossils if you’re an amateur like myself.

I was wondering if anyone had any good leads, or if they knew of a sheet like this created by local enthusiasts or the government?




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Proof-Variation7005 t1_j6xebqj wrote

try twin oaks or greggs around 4-7pm or sports tap at 9am on a saturday morning


boop-snoot-boogie t1_j6xvvzg wrote

They used to have fossils at Benny’s but not no more - now you gotta go to Job Lot


Affectionate-While71 t1_j7035i9 wrote

The only consistent place I’ve found fossils is in shale cliffs at end of Cory Lane in Portsmouth. At the water, head right for a few hundred feet at low tide and plenty of Carboniferous fern fossils in the layers.


LittleSilverStars t1_j76ntgz wrote

I tried once but didn’t find anything. Do you need tools to break open the layers?


Affectionate-While71 t1_j76zjzs wrote

The particular cliff is about 8 feet high and only a few seams have fossils. I recall a layer about 4 foot level. It’s crumbly so fingers only can help tell whether it’s worth exploring. I do use a thin putty knife to carefully pry out layers. But I also enjoy just beach combing the area for shards that have already eroded away.


LittleSilverStars t1_j77edtq wrote

Cool thanks I’ll have to try again more thoroughly. Beach combing slightly south is very good for seaglass btw, where the beach curves out next to the shipyard.


dvestisorok240 t1_j6xjuqo wrote

This sounds so cool! I’d love to join


RandomChurn t1_j71eqto wrote

There is a RI Rock & Mineral Society. They could be a resource?


LittleSilverStars t1_j76ot2i wrote

I have found them in random spots along the eastern shore of the providence river, Including Bold Point Park, the beach below Sabin Point, and a particular little cove next to the east bay bike path. I don’t have any equipment, I just spend a lot of time picking through rocks. Mostly seed ferns, a couple other similar plant impressions, and one calamite annularia is what i’ve found.