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TransporterOffline t1_j5z1upa wrote

Pre-Covid, it definitely varied by day also. I noticed West End and 376/51/65/28/279 traffic was light on basically all Mondays and most Fridays, and very heavy on Tuesdays through Thursdays.

I always chalked the light Mondays up to deliveries not arriving from shippers being closed over the weekends and restaging/receiving Mondays, so that meant Tuesdays had a lot of shipping/truck volume.

I always felt Fridays were light due to workers who have 4-day work weeks (M-Th), and the heavy Fridays were due to cultural events Downtown.

I would have no clue what the rhythms are today. Literally everything has changed in the past three years.

And also what trail-coffee said, I felt like 5-10 minutes (especially 3:30pm) made the difference between quickly moving and near gridlock.


grandma_millennial t1_j5z9ebq wrote

I used to do traffic studies at a previous job and they would only ever count Tuesday to Thursday. Mondays and Fridays were always different for some of the reasons you mentioned. Neat stuff.