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mikeyHustle t1_j6dj9kv wrote

We went in February 2020 at Rivers Casino, before we knew what COVID would become, and I'll tell you what -- if I had gotten deathly ill at a festival that mediocre, I would have been pissed.


James19991 t1_j6dvr1o wrote

This sounds like one of those things meant for people who want to be seen and post on Instagram about their supposedly wonderful lives like to go to.


mikeyHustle t1_j6e4muy wrote

It was a few days before Valentine's Day and we enjoy whiskey, wine and chocolate, man

It's not that serious

Anyway, it wasn't fantastic. Music was OK. But somehow almost all of the vendors were kinda second-rate.


James19991 t1_j6e5999 wrote

I wasn't attacking you for going, I was just saying who it sounds they had in mind when set this up for


McJumpington t1_j6ffpmv wrote

How many pictures did you take and post to social media though? I’m just teasing btw


LockedOutOfElfland t1_j6dvz34 wrote

I guess I should be grateful I picked up my COVID infection at Summer Recess.