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iSoReddit t1_j6frg5c wrote

> "Report Finds Pittsburgh Snow Plows Mostly Just Push Snow to Other Neighborhoods"

Most accurate


4000Tacos t1_j6fxw5g wrote

The entire community of Brookline would agree with this.


aesthetichovvell t1_j6g41gr wrote

My dead end street in Arlington got plowed before the somewhat major Street my boyfriend lives on in Brookline lol, I do notice the difference between neighborhoods


cpr4life8 t1_j6g5l1l wrote

My dead end street in Brookline was plowed around 8:30am and I was really surprised they got to it that early. And then by that afternoon all the snow had melted anyway 😂


aesthetichovvell t1_j6g5orf wrote

lol they only do it when it's about to melt anyway it feels like


cpr4life8 t1_j6g6gbh wrote

It seemed to get better last year, but this year there's only been two times that they had to plow.


aesthetichovvell t1_j6g6q0u wrote

I do agree. They keep trying to close off capital though which is the best way to get off of our street, since the Belgium blocks give traction that the other options do not have


cpr4life8 t1_j6g74sg wrote

I avoid Capital at all cost regardless of the weather or road conditions...I have a compact SUV so I get bounced around pretty good unless I slow way below the speed limit


aesthetichovvell t1_j6g7asl wrote

fair enough. my boyfriend goes SUPER fast down capital sometimes and it feels like a super bumpy rollercoaster


cpr4life8 t1_j6g7vi1 wrote

If I had something with beefier suspension I would too 😆


DugganSC t1_j6fy8t7 wrote

I listened to an interesting article about that and why it's so hard. For example, I didn't know that there was a maximum speed for the plows before which they're just traveling faster, not removing more snow, or at least that it was so slow. Also, well, snow doesn't go away when you plow it, so yeah, it is just displacing it to someone else.


StagLee1 t1_j6h59dv wrote

In Chicago they have to move snow out of some parts of the city with dump trunks because there is no place for the plow to just push it aside.


CARLEtheCamry t1_j6i0asf wrote

Top comment would be about how the suburbs are pushing all their snow into the City proper