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Individual-Daikon175 t1_j61fm5w wrote

Have you already tried walking over and talking to someone at the building? If the lights are new, they might not be aware of the offending light pollution. In my experience, most people want to be good neighbors. You might even get a faster resolution going direct instead of trying to get the city involved.


rocketcrotch t1_j61hwmk wrote

I would definitely start here, OP. They might be quite amenable to changing the angle or something like that. Most people are willing to work with others when approached in a non-threatening/friendly way


Jumpy-Natural4868 t1_j61lmcx wrote

There's prob a building manager. You may want to look up the property on the county real estate website and see who actually owns it and contact them if it isn't the business itself.


rockincharlierocket t1_j63lqpj wrote

its think someone would interact with a human and confront someone about something that is bothering them?


Pitlkj t1_j64kmgi wrote

Agree. The city inspectors office it pretty much useless.