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Zeppelin7321 t1_j2rof5s wrote

So you accept an offer of $32.55 and then criticize other drivers for not accepting that delivery before you for a lower amount?


NovelAuntieGin OP t1_j2vvkiw wrote

No... I'm critical of others (driver or not) who are so irrationally scared of poor and well tanned people that they turn down decent offers.

They won't employ these people, approve loans for them, shop in their neighborhood stores. They won't even allow them to move around freely without harassment, demand that our KKKops quit killing them and falsely imprisoning them, etc. They won't spring for infrastructure or decent schools, only more KKKops.

But, so long as these attitudes persist, I'll keep on taking advantage of the situation. So THANKS, bigots! Keep redlining those certain neighborhoods. All the more for the rest of us.

Btw, I checked the detail of that offer. It was 9 miles. But it was 6:30PM. So I probably would have taken it for $15, definitely $20. It wound up taking 50 min, so I'd have been disappointed if it were only $15.
