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SgtChuckle t1_j20p32q wrote

Wow, I haven't been out there for a while, why is Nice Guy closing? That sucks


CivilMyNuts t1_j20wug8 wrote

In person magic is pretty much dead. Good time to retire when your best product goes digital.

I wish Ron the best. There was nothing more awesome than midnight prereleases with 100 person tournaments :(


chinchillastew t1_j215wru wrote

Paper magic is far from dead - just look at all the RCQs that really revived a lot of it. Or the NRG series.

I didn't really ask him what happened but I get the impression they never really recovered from the Covid hit. LGSs are horrendous to run profitably without a pandemic.


controlxj t1_j248voe wrote

> I haven't been out there for a while, why is Nice Guy closing?

Answered your own question? Seriously though, my understanding is they were not comfortable turning their business into a superspreader event every week, so didn't have tournaments, and lost WPN status.

I have much respect for them holding true to their principles when that couldn't have been easy. I'd reckon that probably saved a few lives. This is a place of honor.