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Powdrtostman t1_j19wj63 wrote

Funny how many yinzers are this upset over a dumb joke. Didn't realize how soft people in this city really are.


GargantuanWitch t1_j1aczmd wrote

"I repeated the last thing I read on Facebook and now that I've said it out loud someplace else, I realize how dumb I sound so I better make people think I was joking the whole time before they figure out I'm a corncob."


Powdrtostman t1_j1bbcjg wrote

What's funny is that you actually believe it was posted somewhere for someone to believe. I threw it out there as a throwaway joke knowing there would be people, such as yourself, that would be so pressed that you just had to comment. Can't smash that downvote button hard enough, can you?