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HatsOrNoHats t1_j1v4nb8 wrote

I’m sorry I know some people get bad luck, but who are these dipshits who suddenly don’t have time for a fucking dog anymore. Hope the pup gets a better owner


covertchipmunk t1_j1wxbjy wrote

Though regardless, if someone is unable or unwilling to care for a dog, I would much rather they rehome than abandon or neglect it.


HatsOrNoHats t1_j1x3e66 wrote

Without a doubt, of course. I don’t want to shit on ppl who really got thrown a bad hand, but the way she’s describing the circumstances of this separation in this one just makes my eyes roll so hard.


covertchipmunk t1_j1wx6dk wrote

The fact that it's 16 months old - an adolescent - probably has a whole lot to do with it. Adolescent dogs are hard to deal with and no longer cute like puppies, so you see them end up being rehomed, dumped, etc. quite a bit.

Also, APBT and mixes are often prone to dog aggression and sometimes human aggression, and those things frequently don't show up until the dog is fully mature, so in the 2-3 year old range - which means there's a lot of unknown still to come.


jbaker620 t1_j1y0qy4 wrote

And I hope they live a miserable shitty life


Valhallas_Ghost t1_j1v7ltr wrote

Maybe they progressed in there career which demands more time at work and less at home. That's the main reason why I don't have a dog because I work 10-14 hours a day 5-7 days a week. (Local truck driver yeet)


HatsOrNoHats t1_j1v9t1h wrote

Once you take ownership of a living thing then that has to come first. It’s good of you to know not to have a dog, that is for sure responsible of you, but this person is a total moron in my mind


Confident_End_3848 t1_j1uju2b wrote

Saying you don’t have time makes the moving part irrelevant.

Are pit bulls hard to rehome? Personally, I’m a bit afraid of the breed.


Invasion_of_the_Cat t1_j1urtyj wrote

It's extremely hard to rehome them, most get put down at shelters. I grew up with one and they're great dogs, but they're one of the harder breeds to train and they get dangerous when people neglect to raise them right. If you take the time to train them, which this asshole probably didn't, they are amazing companions and a guarantee no one will break into your house.


Brotein_Shakez t1_j1uy69b wrote

My dog is useless as a guard dog. He sleeps through people knocking on the door, coming in, leaving. He doesn’t care. He’s an 80lb potato.


alternative-gait t1_j1v8fwu wrote

My dog HATEs the mail person on our porch despite having gotten pets and treats from him when we've all been outside. However, had a stranger* straight walk into our house and my dog was like "hello yes welcome food is over here", no growling, no barking nothing.


*It was the cat sitter, I accidentally booked an extra day. The dog however gets boarded elsewhere and has never met the cat sitter.


Invasion_of_the_Cat t1_j1w8my9 wrote

Burglars don't know that :)


JustBrwsn t1_j1xfjvv wrote

It's anecdotal, but... We lived outside Philly, rescued a "pit bull mix" from SPCA who was a stray found in the streets of Chester, PA, had scaring on her hind legs that they assumed was from being used as a "bait dog" (related to fighting). They assumed she was 1 year old when we adopted her. So emaciated that she had lost most of her hair, and didn't make ANY sounds for 3 months! She was the sweetest dog I have ever known. Amazingly patient with kids, would "pull punches" when playing with tiny children... Just a big cuddle princess. We lived in a twin (duplex) and shared a driveway; attached neighbor and a neighbor that had windows facing ours, 12 ft away. We were robbed one day while she was home, and the windows were open. Our neighbor (across driveway) saw the guys cross his back yard (very odd due to fences and 10 ft retaining wall that completely enclosed our yards... no reason anyone would be back there) and got on the phone with police as he went out and walked into our back yard. He looked through the back window to hear the 2 guys run down the stairs and see them run out the front door. He said he never heard a bark, even with both of our house windows open! Honestly, with the reputation pitbulls have, I'd rather she let us be robbed than worry about her with kids and mailmen... I'd choose to have our "ferocious" girl again every single time I had the option. We eventually had a DNA test done just before she passed away (almost 14), and found that she was 100% Stafford Shire Terrier (frequently called/interchanged with American Pitbull Terrier, although some organizations designate them as different breeds)


quitblazing OP t1_j1ur0ts wrote

It's only cause of the news. They are the best breed I've ever owned. Unfortunately mine past away and it still hurts too bad to get another dog. This lady needs put to sleep herself.


dumplin79 t1_j1v83nq wrote

I’ve had 3 pits. Each were amazing. For sure the goofiest dogs ever. My favorite lived to be 16 and I miss her every day.


DERBY_OWNERS_CLUB t1_j1xq0yl wrote

>It's only cause of the news

So you don't believe any of the statistics around dog bites, maulings, or killings?


ticketferret t1_j1x31s2 wrote

Yes they're pretty hard to rehome. They're everywhere and the shelters are full of them. Usually they stay a bit longer unless they have something really unique about them.

They also tend to be dogs who are either dog reactive, prey driven (want to chase and eat small animals), or just can't do multi dog households. That's another barrier since they often need a one dog home with someone willing to put in work.

Then you have home insurance banning them making renting harder.

There's a lot more barriers to keeping/adopting a pitbull/bully mix than some random fluffy dog from the shelter.


Brotein_Shakez t1_j1ux5lp wrote

Don’t be scared of pibbles. Honestly, when raised right they’re the most loving, lap dog ever. My rescue is a pitbull and he’s 6. Absolutely amazing dog, friendly with everyone!


Xwindshe t1_j1uxu57 wrote

Pibbles are the best :)


Brotein_Shakez t1_j1uy216 wrote

They really are. They’re super gentle and block headed clowns with golden hearts.


dumplin79 t1_j1v7t07 wrote

They really can make great dogs. But they need to be with good owners.


WhyHulud t1_j1v791x wrote

>Are pit bulls hard to rehome? Personally, I’m a bit afraid of the breed.

Unfortunately yeah. They're so sweet and kind. But they are super protective of their family and won't hesitate to get between them and someone if they sense hostility.


gimli5 t1_j1v9v4d wrote

Would Biggie's Bullies be able to help with this? Not sure if they've been mentioned to OP.


Brotein_Shakez t1_j1uyaho wrote

Pit bulls have the worst rep when in reality, they’re incredible dogs.


RequiredTraining t1_j1vksu4 wrote

Any dog can be an incredible dog, but Pitbulls should no longer be bred. They are a dangerous breed and even the most well behaving Pitbull can snap and have its instincts kick in. They are bred to fight to the death and ignore all pain. It’s why when they do snap, it’s usually fatal for other dogs and sometimes humans.

I’m glad people find them cute, but they were bred to be monsters. They should not be around any kids or other dogs.

Edit: Here’s a list of countries where the Pitbull is already banned. I wouldn’t be shocked to see it banned in the US within the next decade.


moviejunki t1_j1xy9d8 wrote

We had the sweetest pit... until it snapped one day and full on gutted my beagle for no apparent reason. :(


Brotein_Shakez t1_j1vla2c wrote

They are NOT a dangerous breed. They like any other dog will act based on how you train and socialize them.

No pitbull “snaps” or has “instincts” to maul you to death.

Don’t even fucking dare say anything else. You are stupid, sound stupid, and look stupid.


RequiredTraining t1_j1vm5x4 wrote

Some dogs were bread to have great instincts when hunting. Some have great hearing. Others are good for hearding.

I’m sorry facts hurt your feelings, but pit bulls were bred to be monsters. You can nurture it all you want, but nature will come through if the dog is startled, gets old, or just has a bad day. It’s why we don’t have lions as pets…


Brotein_Shakez t1_j1vmwp7 wrote

Oh so pitbull terriers didn’t come from I believe the UK or Europe to America as “nanny dogs”? You’re stupid. Stop talking


RequiredTraining t1_j1vnjop wrote

All of your answers can be found here.

Also, the the nanny dog is a lie/rumor. All history points to them being used to pin down animals. Literally google it and there are tons of sources.


SevenBraixen t1_j1wpb2e wrote

Thanks for sharing this! I wasn’t sure how I felt about pit bulls (I’ve heard good arguments from both sides) and have been looking for more academic sources with actual statistics rather than anecdotal stories.


Brotein_Shakez t1_j1vnnbv wrote

Go kick rocks and don’t bully my breed.


RequiredTraining t1_j1vnwli wrote

I’m not bullying your breed. I’m giving facts and trying to help someone who may have a family and are thinking about adopting a dangerous breed of dog. If you are happy with you Pit, then so be it. I’m not going to say it should be taken from you.

I don’t think any legislation on Pits is focused on taking them away. They are around preventing breeding and importation.


askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j1w2d6d wrote

They have a bad rep for a reason, they’re responsible for more lethal maulings than any other breed. And they’re the breed that ends up getting euthanized the most. I wish people would stop breeding them.


quitblazing OP t1_j1wkrmg wrote

I wish people like you would stop breeding.


DERBY_OWNERS_CLUB t1_j1xq7ie wrote

So they aren't responsible for more attacks and deaths than other breeds? Why aren't all of the Golden Retrievers or Labs with "bad owners" killing people?


askmeaboutmysciatica t1_j1wn1c0 wrote

People, why the hell do we talk about pitbulls this way? They are animals created by people for the purpose of blood sport, but the second you acknowledge that they often act in accordance with this intention, everyone gets emotional. Your pitbull might be nice, but there’s a reason many people are uncomfortable around them.


quitblazing OP t1_j1uze2k wrote

They are by far my favorite breed. My family has 4 already. All rescues also.


Brotein_Shakez t1_j1uzzi4 wrote

YES! I rescued Dexter from a Staten Island killer shelter. I also have a soft spot for Rottweilers


paintedwoodpile t1_j1v4vai wrote

My GF had a medium-large Rotty when we met. He's intimidating to see at first. Then you meet him and he's a lovable oaf that snores louder than me. He just wants food and lots and lots of pets and his unicorn plush toy.


Brotein_Shakez t1_j1v57if wrote

Me and my ex rescued a rottie together. He was I think 11 months and from a home in McKeesport. He is a tank of a dog and he’s a total clown. He’s super protective of me and my ex though.


OGhoul t1_j1x8fg2 wrote

OP (In the FB screen shot) is in f*cking high school.


rxjen t1_j1wpoas wrote

Omg. I want this pup. My kitty would shit. Ughhhh


thisisntshakespeare t1_j1xjb5b wrote


I just saw a very similar post on our local FB page. Someone posted that a friend had been scammed by another post that used the same dog photos.