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bearsharkbear3 t1_j1oo5n1 wrote

No one would have wasted time on this when Zaw’s was open on Murray.


ohhim t1_j1qfgoi wrote

If we're including closed places, Silk pagoda's general tso gave Zaw's a run for their money.

Squirrel Hill's general tso scene hasn't been the same ever since, but their authentic Chinese cuisine game is on point.


okbutwhywouldi t1_j1qnrt9 wrote

Thank you for reminding me of Zaw’s! My mom would get me their wonton soup when I was sick as a kid, and I that comfort reminder is so appreciated.


Caiterz4catzz t1_j1pzc8v wrote

I sadly didn’t get to try this while it was still there, which is my own fault cuz I already lived in Squirrel Hill before they closed 😩


SxS_XB t1_j1q5we3 wrote

I've tried to move on and let go, but it's not working. I still think about this place and the lovely trio that ran it all the time!


HighOffGillyweed t1_j1q99et wrote

I tried Zaw’s and the Gen. Tsaos was drowning in sauce. Boarderline soup-tier. I of course never went again. I’m sad that I got such a chaotic meal as my only experience there.


ongoingbox t1_j1qw4vo wrote

loved Zaw's, ate there 1-2 times a week in college