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SunfishStudio t1_ivb4e7a wrote

I think enough people have said it's a scam for you to get the idea, but if you want to know how it works this does a great job explaining. You're not going to get to keep that $250 but rest assured, you're not going to get in trouble or be on the hook for not sending a refund. I've been the target of this scam 3 times and nothing ever comes of it if you ignore it


phenry17 OP t1_ivb4pvn wrote

I’m sorry to hear that happen to you. I run a business and the last thing I want is an incident. Appreciate the reassuring comment.


SunfishStudio t1_ivdojzy wrote

Oh no worries at all, I was the target but not a victim, so I've never lost any money to it. Just a minor annoyance is all.

It can be jarring though even when you're almost certain it's a scam. Had a similar fright when a phishing scheme slipped through into my main inbox claiming to have a bunch of my online credentials (one of my old email/password combinations was likely leaked in a security breach since they did have a password I'd used, just not the most current). A small part of your brain can get a bit spooked and go "ok but what if it's real?"


Ancient_Boner_Forest t1_ivcoxut wrote

I agree it’s a scam but I’m confused why in the world would they label it “catch this crook” though?


Nya7 t1_ivdl6kz wrote

What if you withdraw the money?


Lord_Paddington t1_ivf7ufm wrote

My guess is that it gets reversed out of your account when they find out?


Nya7 t1_ivffb9z wrote

When who finds out what? You withdrew money that was in your account, you didnt do anything wrong. Why does venmo allow people to dispute transactions like that is my question


Lord_Paddington t1_ivgd7ey wrote

Yeah Idk I was just thinking if Venmo finds out it was sent fraudulently if they would try to bill you for it?


Nya7 t1_ivgic9k wrote

Its possible, I just dont understand why you would be liable for that