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crothwood t1_ixfd9bo wrote

Ladies, gentlemen, and people of all genders, i present to you the illustrious "guy who lives 40 minutes outside of town but spend all day caliming its a shithole"


DayNightManManManMan t1_ixffyrl wrote

I present to you the people who are mad over my statement, yet know very little of it can be refuted, especially with the knowledge they possess. Where I live has nothing to do with this, I visit the city on a regular basis. Furthermore I never was "caliming its a shithole", as your poorly constructed sentence you hastily made because you are so desperate for internet clout you have to try dunking on someone with an unpopular opinion.

Here is the message that is lost on all the people with excessive amounts of pride in Pittsburgh, to the point they can't tolerate any objective criticism of their city. This is an ok city to live in when you think about things on a global level, but it certainly has some serious flaws with it, to a point that no thorough and unbiased measurements used to rank cities would ever be able to claim this is America's most livable city. Think objectively about the city as a whole, all of the good and the bad, and you will realize that it needs some work. It does have some wonderful things about it too, like the hills and rivers are cool to look at, and violent crime is less common compared to other major cities. I've wasted enough time here, too many people want to argue, no one wants to have a rational conversation.


James19991 t1_ixfs1vs wrote

I ain't reading all that

Happy for you tho

Or sorry that happened


AeniasGaming t1_ixfkasf wrote

There’s criticism and then there’s frothing at the mouth.


bravenaike t1_ixhft6r wrote

I mean… yeah, Pittsburgh needs some work. I think that’s why the people who live here are passionate about it. The people here are rough around the edges, with a lot of character and heart. I’m a Pittsburgh native who’s done a lot of traveling and has lived elsewhere, abroad included. I think why it’s called the one of the most livable cities is because you get a ton of bang for your buck here. Relatively speaking, you get access to a lot of city amenities, jobs and housing at a pretty low cost. Is it perfect? Fuck no. Is it livable? Fuck yeah.

It’s okay if it’s not your cup of tea, and I do think there’s a lot that could and should be improved. I think people are just taking issue with your tone of voice. You sound pretty stuck up, to be perfectly honest. “No one wants to have a rational conversation here” is pretty funny to read, because you can’t take criticism yourself, and you kept going on about how people should accept your criticism on Pittsburgh.


HerbHurtHoover t1_ixiptqn wrote

I mean, you pretty much confirmed everything they said.

You don't actually live in the city, you take your opinions of the city mostly from clickbait headlines, and are so self righteous that you think your run of the mill ranting is "objective criticism".


ATribeCalledGreg t1_ixh4pfq wrote

This sub every other day: Why does the air smell so bad this morning.

This sub when a guy complains about pollution: WTF are you talking about? You must not live here!!!