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Beeftoday t1_iy6vzyn wrote

no. in their defense i did have pain in the back lower part of my knee on the left, so i guess that is what made her think it was the calf since i was walking and my pain levels were minimal, but im still kinda flabbergasted by it.

i ended up calling an ortho after a week when i still couldn't put weight on it and was having issues moving my leg mainly at the knee. he though it was maybe a small meniscus tear that could be rehabbed with pt. this is why mri's are so important with knee injuries. Since my body was naturally guarding the injury i passed all the tests tht checked for ligament damage and more severe meniscus damage.

a lot of people assume injuries like that are unbearable, more than likely what the pa at urgent care did and why she diagnosed it as a mild calf sprain, but i was able to walk pretty normal and was pain free before my surgery.


pghgreatest t1_iy8qwwy wrote

Hope you are better now


Beeftoday t1_iy8wib8 wrote

thank you. i had my surgery last week, will be on crutches until end of jan/feb but on the mend now.