Submitted by esotweetic t3_xu4x3k in pittsburgh

By the time you read this, you likely may have heard about the unfortunate newsof a fan falling at the end of today’s game. I feel bad for that person’s family.

I was at today’s game and have been at a few games over the last 12 months post-COVID season and I have to say the place has become periodically worse in terms of fan experience.

There are hardly any ushers/ stadium staff in the aisles helping people to their seats, especially in the lower sections where seats are $400+/ ea. It’s such a far cry from the Penguins organization where one sees 3 ushers before seeing your seat. Now, it’s a much smaller venue, but the attempt is not even being made at Heinz/ Acrisure stadium. They have 1 usher working multiple sections at time. “But staffing is an issue!” For the money that is spent there, the Steelers could totally afford to pay more and attract talent. Especially when it’s only needed 8 home games a year.

in the case of a rowdy fan, it takes way too long to get a response from staff. There is a number that is posted on the scrollboards to text in event of an issue, but it only comes up every 5/10 minutes or so and the response time is really poor.

I’ve seen rowdy fans ruin the experience for an entire section because they refuse to sit down or refuse to stop yelling profanity- laden vitrol. And when a staff member finally arrives, they pretend everything is alright and are permitted to stay.

Also, the Gates to get in have never been worse. They put these chain link fences up that literally are cattle barriers. They have lines backed up down the sidewalks and spilling into the streets so that the main scanning checkpoint is not congested.

Gate C, the closest to the T station, is an absolute dumpster fire. Today’s line stretched all the way down to the Science Center.

A few bad apples will bum rush down the sides to cut the line, and there is no one there to enforce the rules and try to hold people accountable. Once people see they get away scot-free, a mass of other people try doing the same to save a few minutes.

I just never remember things being so poorly structured. Heinz Field security was a well-oiled machine.

The experience just sucks. Pair that with overpriced food/ drink, and a mediocre on-field product, I can see why sales are declining.

I’ve spoke to several season holders and many of them are annually on the fence about renewing, and that was never the case even during the dead years before Ben.

Do better, Rooney family.



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