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chuckie512 t1_iud550m wrote

The local tax here is pretty simple. It's a flat %. You'll get a letter in the mail with all the instructions art the start of the year, and can fill it out with just your W2 and phone calculator.

Since it's so simple, it's pretty uncommon for your with to withhold the wrong amount as well, so you probably won't owe/get back anything.


noonelistens777 OP t1_iudxpx8 wrote

Thanks for this. I actually moved about a year ago and never got anything from the City of Pittsburgh. I worked with a firm to pay state and local, however. This year Iā€™m trying to figure out how much the penalty would be for underestimating (not deliberately) my income as it is computed for health insurance premiums. Thanks for your input šŸ˜Š