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Evorgleb t1_iu0sgm3 wrote

Well, if we were ever in the mood for the type of food King's served, we would just go to Eat n Park because, you know, King's is the poor man's Eat n Park.


JWsWrestlingMem t1_iu0ydqy wrote

Ah, restaurant advice from a Coke drinker.


Evorgleb t1_iu1bq81 wrote

I clearly touched a nerve. Is King's where you proposed or something?


JWsWrestlingMem t1_iu1rdbs wrote

Nah your post was just pretentious and unnecessary.

“Oh look at us laughing because we’re too cool to eat there.”


Evorgleb t1_iu1rn75 wrote

It's not about being cool. It's about King's having trash service and food and there literally being dozens other places in Monroeville that would be better to eat at.


JWsWrestlingMem t1_iu1udac wrote

I hope you and Mrs. Scuzzball don’t go to any of them. No one wants to have to put up with the laughing hyenas.

Have a Coke and a smile.


Evorgleb t1_iu1yu1y wrote

King's used to serve Coke ... before it closed


JWsWrestlingMem t1_iu231mp wrote

Oh come now, you wouldn’t have been caught dead in there.


Evorgleb t1_iu241v2 wrote

Dude, I kinda feel like we have bonded in this thread. Maybe I'm mis reading the moment but I think we are friends now.


JWsWrestlingMem t1_iu247pj wrote

I never didn’t like you. I just liked Kings. It went way down hill in recent years. You laughed at it but I probably laughed at things you’ve liked over the years.