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fuckmelikeawh0re t1_itr9h2o wrote

Keyword is was. Why are we supporting a person most claim is a right wing maniac? If Trump swoops in and buys a nostalgic Pittsburgh company, treats the employees like shit and turns around to use the profits to push his agenda we are all cool with that as well?

Yes, some of the employees will have a rough transition, and I feel for that, but why help feed the beast? Bankrupt them then the city paper can buy the name back....


pedantic_comments t1_itrau4w wrote

You are assuming if you kill the PPG, something as good or better will reappear. This is very unlikely.

You are also assuming that we, as a city, will somehow retain these journalists with no employer AND you’ve made up your mind that the news desk shares the political views of their employer - which is absolutely not the case.

Support workers. Support unions. Support rigorous investigative journalism. These people work hard to bring news to you and are fighting back for causes you support.

You wouldn’t close a grocery store because the workers strike and want a raise but the owners are Republican kleptocrats, would you?


fuckmelikeawh0re t1_itrbqbz wrote

So chic fil a donating to anti-gay organizations is cool with you? Trump hotel rewards member? I spend money with businesses that have views I agree with whenever possible, and in 2022, I have a fuck ton of options... it's 2022, those writers can still get their word out quite easily and will only be a lost asset if they decide to be...


pedantic_comments t1_its7ng6 wrote

Maybe this argument made sense to someone who doesn’t know the difference between a chicken sandwich and a local newspaper?


fuckmelikeawh0re t1_itsy9zs wrote

Keep supporting tyrants I won't stand in your way. Mastriano needs donations too !