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sputzie88 t1_itgfkpu wrote

Oh, I can relate so much to this! Grew up in the North Hills as well, just slightly older than you (34). One of the cons of the suburbs is that you will likely need to travel to meet people outside of the MAGA cult. I would recommend looking into activities that you enjoy, our classes or a team sport, and find a local group that does that. Meetup or even the local Y may be a good place to start. Next comment might be a little controversial, but your parents should not be expecting you to take care of your brother every weekend. If you are just taking care of other people all the time you will burn out. It is not selfish to take time for yourself. I understand the desire to give them a break but maybe have a talk with them about getting a caretaker every once in awhile so that you all can get a break. I wish you the best of luck and feel free to send me a message if you need to vent or would like to hang out, I usually spend my free time walking in the park with my doggo.