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westinghousesghost t1_it36lhz wrote

And then off to Philly for a Fetterman thing. Wonder what the carbon footprint for that is 🙄

Edit: downvote me all you want, politicians bitch about global warming all day long and then make day trips in a 747 and the hypocrisy deserves to be called out


AirtimeAficionado t1_it3asre wrote

It’s simply way too hard to orchestrate a presidential visit without it, and to be fair it’s not like just the president is flying, with the senior staff and the press pool it is a fairly full jet with 200+ people for each visit. It’s not nearly as wasteful as something like a single billionaire’s private jet.

And to change it would require more attention than it’s worth, I’d rather have a president working on an emissions tax and brokering climate deals than focusing on fixing the emissions of a single jet.


westinghousesghost t1_it3b1qr wrote

I understand why, it's just not worth it for a brief visit.


James19991 t1_it3cch6 wrote

I agree with you. We are in a climate crisis, so we should be doing all we can to reduce emissions as much as possible. I don't see much of a point to this presidential visit either.


AirtimeAficionado t1_it8by7g wrote

Well I’m sure President Biden does agree with you, and would try to travel by train where possible, but the secret service just isn’t necessarily built for that and it is too much of a logistical headache (you have to secure the entire route versus just flying in already secure airspace) to orchestrate that versus Air Force One most of the time, which is why it was used. But I do generally agree with what you’re saying.


James19991 t1_it8f674 wrote

I get that plane is the easiest way for him to travel with everything that needs to be brought when the president travels, but to me it just felt like the visit was so short and brief it wasn't worth everything that came with it.


Hurdurkin t1_it49v9o wrote

How r u gonna stop the sun?


James19991 t1_it4c79n wrote

Thinking the sun is the reason for man-made climate change is on point for someone who considers a comment that said white people will come up with any excuse to vote for Republican to be racist lmao.


AirtimeAficionado t1_it8ba1m wrote

I believe this was just one leg of a longer journey which was why the plane was used, either way, though, there are still a huge number of people that need to travel with the president, and in some cases a larger jet makes sense and is the most efficient option for doing so. One 747 and one cargo jet moving 200+ people and equipment is more efficient than 2 757s and a cargo jet doing the same thing.


ClammyHandedFreak t1_it38eon wrote

It's a fair criticism.


crazy-face t1_it39gbf wrote

Is it? Do you just want the president to hang out in DC all the time?


James19991 t1_it3dxny wrote

No, but I think it's fair to ask if this 2-hour at most I'm guessing visit is worth the emissions it will generate.


NovelAuntieGin t1_it45nki wrote

The guy who invented the light bulb (Not Edison) did his work by candle light.


Iifeisgood t1_it5expt wrote

The fact this was downvoted so many times is insane.


burritoace t1_it3k4v0 wrote

Maybe a leaderless country will solve climate change


Free_Lawfulness2263 t1_it3eoz2 wrote

Bahaha love how even mentioning the hypocrisy from our officials gets all the sheep angry.

It’s not a partisan issue when people are struggling to afford food, and gas. Grow up.


burritoace t1_it3k0ox wrote

Bummer, I thought you caught a ban


Free_Lawfulness2263 t1_it3kwv1 wrote

With how up my ass you are I gotta wonder if you ever actually..go outside?

Do you ever have fun? Do you have friends? A family? Anybody who cares for you? Or do you spend your days militantly perusing this site for hours on end, earnestly waiting for the perfect moment to drop a clever little quip for that tiny jolt of endorphins.

Bro you seem so miserable, seriously. Not even doing the whole “anonymoose behind a screen” thing. Like I hope you can find something to actually work toward and look forward to in your life that isn’t just wallowing.

Do something esteemable with your time.


burritoace t1_it3ta9m wrote

>Do something esteemable with your time.

Lol clearly you're an expert on that


Free_Lawfulness2263 t1_it42jhw wrote

At least I can always rely on you for a good chuckle, burrito. Always down to derail threads

How’s it feel being my number one fan 😂


[deleted] t1_it3n87b wrote

Do something with your time, and get off the site fairy
