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POWfromAkron t1_iqquqpp wrote

For Magic, checkout commander. Its a 4 player variant with tons of social interaction. Phantom Greentree has a lot of Commander players. Also, cant recommend enough finding a role playing group.


RunningOnPunkTime t1_iqs5b9s wrote

When I was into MTG I couldn't stand commander. Idk why but it just never caught my attention and I hated that that's what everyone wanted to play.


Grouchy-Estimate-756 t1_iqs5d8w wrote

Black Lotus is good for that, I hear.


Aran180 t1_iqtxyp7 wrote

Just found that place. Food’s great, and so is the vibe


tactics14 t1_iqx0qpj wrote

Actually Black Lotus isn't really all that good in a format where you only run one in your 100 card deck. Sure, it's awesome if you get it in your starting/first few draws but if you get it mid-late game you're probably not hurting for mana.

Now a standard game of magic where you're playing a 60 card deck and can run 4 copies... Your odds of drawing and taking advantage of it early are pretty damn good so it's quite powerful.

But unless you can use it as a combo piece or something it's cool rather than good in commander (not that it's bad, it just isn't crazy).


Grouchy-Estimate-756 t1_iqyo2g8 wrote

Black Lotus, as in the pizza shop that hosts Magic games. I don't play Magic in any meaningful sense, but friends who do seem to love this place.