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UrbanSound t1_iu5k5wa wrote

Voting is only staving off the inevitable class war.

Edit: spelling


LostEnroute OP t1_iu5s84r wrote

Class war? Like the rural guys with $80k trucks vs. the urban guys with $80k sedans?


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iu6ykgt wrote

Class war, like the fascist goons with power using their useful idiots, that think they're salt of the earth because they drive a pickup truck, to try and topple the government because "pronouns" and "maybe we still need to get better with respect to racism." They literally want the Turner Diaries to happen. Voting does have some meaningful usefulness, but it's not going to keep these fuckers at bay forever. The problem with the "JUST VOTE OK?!!!!" rhetoric is that it encourages people to stay tuned out but once every couple of years.

Like, I had been warning my liberal friends about the rise of white nationalism for years before Trump. Trump winning surprised them, not me. Was talking to them about neo nazis and eco fascists and they thought the Tree of Life shooting and El Paso shooting came out of left field. We see more and more fascist rhetoric is some of these mass shooters manifestos and history, and run of the mill libs are still doing the "lol, nazis, ok dude, whatever you say looney."


WhyHulud t1_iu6eixu wrote

Just to remind you, the liberals won the last civil war. You sure you want to do that again?


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_iu6ziy6 wrote

Based on a quick glance at their comment history, they do not appear to be a right winger. And based on my experience with leftists and rhetoric, they're probably to the left of the Democratic party, so they're not coming at this from a white nationalist angle.


YooTone t1_iu6zg5j wrote

We can't inform them of conservative history, they'll just deny it and go all "hurr durr bUt ThEy wERe DeMoCrAts" and not know anything about the actual history of the ideologies.