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WafflePilot1125 t1_je7o5vk wrote

Are you an HC grad? Luke and I ran around in the same circles through grade school and high school. Attended the same sleepovers…sled riding in his little village. Edgelord…that is such a perfect discriptor for Luke. A try hard Edgelord at that. Burned into my memory is an incident where Luke was basically masturbating under a throw pillow on a La-Z-boy in a room filled with at least a half dozen prepubescent boys. WEIRD. Doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. I’ve been more or less out of contact with him since HS graduation, but even then I was always in and out of the punk scene in various locales including PGH. Something about him still always made it back to me, we’ve got a lot of mutual acquaintances. Still, I never heard about all of the actual violence and abuse. Dude apparently idolized GG Allin too much. I thought a lot of what I did know and see was stage bullshit.

I don’t think he was so fucked mentally he didn’t realize the consequences of his actions. Unfortunately, I 100% believe this to be some sort of edgelord ploy to achieve infamy. I’m torn about whether or not this comment contributes to it. Either way, I AM curious to find how the gun was acquired. I can’t imagine it was sold to him by a dealer.


kuhkoo t1_je7tq3a wrote

I graduated from Indiana the same year he graduated HC


WafflePilot1125 t1_je7ueof wrote

👍🏻 I’m sure we’re at least aware of each other then. Super small world sometimes. Late in high school, and since, my friend groups are of Indiana grads anyway. Most a year younger than us. Thane H., Ken W., Josh S., others in that circle. Another circle of guys a few years younger, from Indiana, as well.

Also, huge congrats on sobriety. Not an easy thing, ever. I celebrated six years this year.


kuhkoo t1_je7uus8 wrote

If you knew Luke then, you probably knew me. We were really inseparable high school and post college for me - I lived with him at helter shelter and spent more time in Meghan’s regal than anyone should’ve - and once again, this whole thing doesn’t surprise me at all. There’s a reason I haven’t talked to him in years.

And congratulations to you too! Three years booze and blow free in June!


[deleted] t1_je7ydbv wrote



WafflePilot1125 t1_je850o7 wrote

OH…gotta add one more thing. Jimmy Shank. There’s another abusive delusional shitbag, and should anyone ever ask you what you think about him…STAY AWAY. I don’t remember him being quite like that during the helter shelter days. Or the later witch haus. Regardless. He is now.