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ingenuedbysociety t1_j96clvo wrote

The east end food co-op has a great bulk spice selection at good prices.


mikeyHustle t1_j96ggwd wrote

Second this, especially if you just need enough for one recipe, so you just scoop like a dollar's worth. Plus you can smell the jar when you open it, so you can confirm they're strong enough, haha.


BorisTheMansplainer t1_j97yux1 wrote

Make sure you waft the spicy stuff. I maced myself doing that once (not the actual nutmeg mace).


PennDA t1_j97hnlb wrote

3rd-ing this. Great quality and you can buy any amount you like.


Novel_Engineering_29 t1_j97r0aq wrote

This is the correct answer. You will pay so much less for spices and you can buy in small quantities that actually match what you can use up before it gets old and flavorless.