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Pennsylvasia t1_j9pyubt wrote

It's weird, I've noticed that a lot recently. In the last couple weeks I had a teenager yell out at us "MOM, THE DOG IS POOPING ON OUR YARD" (it was walking, not pooping), and had an old guy yell out at us on the sidewalk to keep moving. I don't recall people being as vocal before, and there are tons of people walking their dogs all hours of the day. I get it, there are a lot of irresponsible pet owners: Nextdoor has postings almost every day about "lost" cats whose owners let roam, and I pretty frequently find poop on the sidewalks or in our front yard. But what is especially irritating about some of these crabby people is they are the same ones who put their garbage out days early, or let it blow all over the place, or let their cats walk all over the place, or make noise late into the night, or do other things that make it a less neighborly place. Or maybe I've just become more sensitive to rotten people with how ugly everything else going on is.


toripearson_19 t1_j9pz6z5 wrote

I don't walk dogs there anymore because of this. It's not new either. These incidents I'm referring to were before covid, and it's just gotten worse. I'll pick up dogs from the neighborhood and take them somewhere else to walk.