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Aggravating_Foot_528 OP t1_j9o6brx wrote

I'm glad they didn't just drive him and his car home and pretend it was nothing. Sounds like he needs help.


MerkinMed t1_j9ofmka wrote

At least he didn't make it home to beat his wife.


Puzzleheaded-Equal70 t1_j9ogm3h wrote

So glad he's still being paid his nearly $100k salary while they wait for him to have his court date... /s


NotADice t1_j9ol6ul wrote

That’s the second dui ive seen from cops in the last couple months. There was the pittsburgh city police officer that got one in January i believe


amishtoad t1_j9ommnw wrote

Same cop was charged in fed court by the FBI


duker_mf_lincoln t1_j9or17c wrote

Lucky he didn't park it running in the garage. My son Nico just installed co2 monitors in our garages.


LostEnroute t1_j9otrs1 wrote

>Because Schneiderlochner is charged with a misdemeanor offense, a mandatory suspension under the state’s Confidence in Law Enforcement Act does not apply, Thomas said.

What a joke.


lemma_qed t1_j9oux32 wrote

What happens if a drunk person has the engine on to stay warm, but is sleeping in the passenger seat? Could they still be arrested for a DUI?


GargantuanWitch t1_j9oxz02 wrote

And a reminder to everyone that any fast food employee caught doing the same thing would be fired immediately, and THEY don't carry weapons.


GargantuanWitch t1_j9ph1a9 wrote

The story is about a shitty cop who got drunk and was caught sleeping on the job and the first thing that comes to your mind is "I'm glad he's safe."


Also, I hope your son also installed CO monitors in your garages, too, because those carbon dioxide monitors aren't gonna save your life.


apitbullnamedzeus t1_j9psm6j wrote

Plum sounds like a terrible place. Weren’t a few of their teachers molesting students a few years back?


apitbullnamedzeus t1_j9ptcp5 wrote

Really? I’ve known several fast food employees who are convicted felons. DUIs are nothing as far as judges, prosecutors, and legislators are concerned. I’m surprised Arby’s would care much.

Your comments also points to the importance of labor unions.


GargantuanWitch t1_j9pw1wu wrote

I never said that a conviction would/should prevent you from getting one, I'm saying that being drunk and asleep ON the job means you'd lose that job.

I also never said anything about labor unions being bad, unless you're talking about the police, at which point I'd say that the police union exists solely to protect bad police officers and immunize them against repercussions for their bad behavior.


emotional-cutter t1_j9qjq3b wrote

Interesting. I live in Plum and his wife came to my house last week asking if we’d sign something for him to run for something. I wasn’t there and my husband is an independent so could not sign. I’ve heard several negative things about him so I would not have signed anyway. Maybe they were trying to get signatures before this hit the news?


PorkyWallace t1_j9s7cpz wrote

Cops are supposed to know and enforce the law.

If they break the law, they should receive 100% of the maximum possible punishment. No plea deals or exceptions.

And I say that as someone who is pro-police.


duker_mf_lincoln t1_j9y7n1e wrote

Wow to you sir as well. Don't you want all humans to be safe? Listen, I know you do a lot of shitty things too in life, and I hope you are safe doing them as well. And yes, we have CO and CO2 monitors in the garages. My son Nico installed them.