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DesperateWorker1045 OP t1_j9ci1nt wrote

I agree!! I loved the historic features and it was so cool to see the interior. How is the neighborhood? I’ve never lived around the area before and would love to hear your thoughts


Affectionate_Shop445 t1_j9cpsrx wrote

Not so good, you will definitely hear occasional gunshots in that area.


DesperateWorker1045 OP t1_j9cpxbn wrote

Oh no :( oh really? I was hoping this wasn’t the case bc it was closer to east liberty. Could you share with me your experience of being there?


Affectionate_Shop445 t1_j9cwjkb wrote

I work in the area, just some sketchy activity but if your mind your business and are used to living in a urban neighborhood you should be fine.


South_Barnacle_9760 t1_j9dhhs6 wrote

most people in area are very poor so there is crime. you will hear gunshots. i hear shots cut through the quiet nights and often. i sleep with my window open year round. it’s unfortunate and still shocking to experience. drive around during the day and get a feel for it. most of the folks out here are just going about their lives and are super friendly. you’ll see many abandoned properties (mostly city-owned) that will discourage you. situational awareness is your best friend in economically disadvantaged areas. personally i’m happy in this part of the city because it reminds me of where i grew up and all my neighbors are awesome but it’s definitely not for everyone.

edit: i’ve rented in many neighborhoods over the years. shadyside, oakland, northside, south side, friendship, bloomfield and prefer living in homewood. it’s generally quiet with less of that constant city noise. so many trees so it’s really green and lush all summer. parking is never a problem. super great for bike commuting or just cruising in the sunshine!