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Psy__Ops t1_j6e6qds wrote

You need to field strip them and not use the wall...Especially in a rental.


AJPully t1_j6e8a3v wrote

I've always done this so I can bin the filter instead of dumping them.

No idea it was called field stripping and i'm (was?) a padbrat. TIL.


Psy__Ops t1_j6eg7g6 wrote

I learned it when I was in the Military way back in the last millennia...


AJPully t1_j6ehbye wrote

My dad served 18 years in REME and they never taught the fucker this! I'll be having words next time he stubs his ciggy out on my brickwork 😁😂


burnodo2 t1_j6j1ajx wrote

don't put butts anywhere in your house, they'll stink up the place