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JadedTaurus33 t1_j69z9e4 wrote

Yup. Lessons are hard. Real life lessons hit harder though. All you have to worry about is a little dip in internet points. Can't be too bad.


MelonTosser OP t1_j69zz9a wrote

Lol definitely don’t care about Reddit points. More interested by how defensive people were. While I understand gestures can have multiple meanings, this one has a strong connotation with Nazis, however Christians still (seemingly) stand firmly behind it and use it regularly for their own meaning.


JadedTaurus33 t1_j6a0r2p wrote

Every symbol that matters is one appropriated and turned towards another cause. The swastika itself is a Hindu or Buddhist (don't know which.) Symbol for the sun, which was taken and turned 45°. I'm surprised there hasn't been a movement that used the banded axe that Mussolini touted and turned it into some kind of rallying symbol for the people... Perhaps it's too complex of a symbol? Perhaps it hasn't been used because an axe head is too violent for the sensibilities of the common folk. Many things to consider when gathering people under a cause.


MelonTosser OP t1_j6a13c4 wrote

Right, the Swatstika is a great example. Appropriated by Nazis and I feel no longer used by Hindu/Buddhists bc of the connotation