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gerd50501 t1_j249zfi wrote

will be waiting a long time. If twitter can ban trump, they can do whatever they want. but you keep hoping that anything you dont like leads to the government coming after people.


Kvenner001 t1_j24o1c0 wrote

The FTC has been hitting twitter long before Musk ever made his offer. The big risk he’s inherited with the purchase of twitter is that the FTC and twitter had certain operating agreements twitter was bound to. If he’s found in violation of those agreements the buck in theory stops with him. Unlike the SEC or DOJ the FTC has a history of massive fines and handing out referrals for criminal charges that have lead to jail time.

Will Musk likely see a Courtroom let alone a jail cell I find that unlikely. But he’s also not doing himself any favors with his actions.