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hamstervideo t1_j1oqxy3 wrote

Here's a shocking truth - 60+ year old aunts and uncles have had sex before, and have likely seen and used sex toys


-d00z3r- t1_j1q6uud wrote

And just to ruin Xmas for ya, they probably still fuck.....


Ksevio t1_j1qifnv wrote

Depends their eyesight I guess


Type_No13 t1_j1qo5ry wrote

the sex? cause you can do that in the dark. like why are farts smelly? so the blind can enjpy them also!


Type_No13 t1_j1qo0q2 wrote

and prolly had way more freeky sex then you and lots of it..


ubpfc t1_j1qz0m4 wrote

59 year old here: my wife and I fuck like rabbits and the magic wand is her favorite toy. Do young people really think 60 is past it’s sell by date? I still feel (and act) like I’m in my 20’s.