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Rd28T t1_j1xwzyf wrote

I’m guessing somewhere in SE Asia, as the San Remo pasta is Aussie.

Edit: zoomed in, the oats are Aussie too.


Groundbreaking_Dare4 OP t1_j1y6ief wrote

I live in Vientiane, Laos.


Rd28T t1_j1y6p91 wrote

I was on the money! Glad to see you are enjoying the Aussie produce. I know I sound like the agricultural marketing board, but it’s some of the highest quality, cleanest produce in the world 😊


Groundbreaking_Dare4 OP t1_j1y86rl wrote

There are a lot of very well paid Aussie expats over here, working mostly in mining. A mate of mine ships containers full of great Aussie produce over here regularly to keep them happy.


DeepEndOfAsia t1_j1yrt4a wrote

Guessing most of the fruit and vegetables in the pic are from Laos, Thailand, or China. "There is a big problem" in northern Thailand now with China dumping vegetables and etc in SE Asia. Thai cabbage farmers can't sell their cabbage for more than it costs to grow it and transport it at present, so are either giving it away or letting it rot in the fields. The Chinese did the same thing with garlic in the US, and I imagine other crops as well. It's what the Chinese do...


Rd28T t1_j1ys5ar wrote

It’s easy to forget how fortunate we are here in Aus that we can grow practically every fruit and vegetable here and very, very little fresh produce is imported.


D4nCh0 t1_j1z67ef wrote

Growing them is one thing. Protecting the domestic market enough to sustain production is another. Underpaid cherry pickers on tourist visas help lower costs too.


Punawild t1_j22gwfx wrote

The dragon fruit alone would be $5-6 here in Hawaii.


flatandroid t1_j1y02dr wrote

Agreed. Possibly South Asia too… but the bag has Thai on it. That said, Kiwis aren’t cheap and the pastas probably add up too. Might be more than 360 THB depending on the location of the market.


chrisco125 t1_j1xvxd4 wrote

Wow thats cheap. A head of cauliflower is $4 here. Those tomatoes, probably also $4. Avocado $1-$2 each. I'm in US.


Blood_Jesus t1_j1xzxzl wrote

That's some cheap avocados. There are stores selling the big ones for $4 where I'm at.


ChainOut t1_j1yy3mc wrote

They're like playing the stalk market where I live. Daisy Mae rolls into Kroger and says they're .63 today or maybe 2.31. Who knows.


zm_712 t1_j1xtg7i wrote

Definitely not in America. That would cost at minimum $60.


imma_go_take_a_nap t1_j1xuy20 wrote

I'm American and I just bought a dragonfruit at my local grocery store for roughly $6. This is def not America.


Groundbreaking_Dare4 OP t1_j1y8eei wrote

Ouch that hurts. It's dragonfruit season here now. They're sold at roadside stalls for around 50 cents a pound.


tripp_hs123 t1_j1y13gg wrote

In Florida if you go to the right place you get them for $2 each. There's a latino/asian supermarket I go to that has them for that price. And it has star fruit for 4 for $3 or something.


FatboySlimThicc t1_j1xusv4 wrote

Right? I recently bought 2 tomatoes and a head of cabbage and it was $8 and change


indidgenous t1_j1yqtyq wrote

Woah! Do they sell near to expiry date produce cheaper in america?


Grumpy__Giraffe t1_j1y18kb wrote

It would be $10 for the tomatoes alone in western Canada.


dtcooper t1_j21m2a1 wrote

And they'd taste like fucking garbage.


JDIPrime t1_j1zptwe wrote

Eastern Canada, too. This looks like about $75 of groceries to me.


Tavaris_ t1_j1y83ks wrote

In America, if all those are organic, you're sitting well at over $100 of groceries


Groundbreaking_Dare4 OP t1_j1y8jnk wrote

tbf you're probably earning 10x my salary also.


Tavaris_ t1_j1y8osp wrote

Honestly man I'm not even getting paid.

I don't have a job yet cause I have no way to get there. And I refuse to work at a factory cause I know I'm dumb as rocks and would get a finger lopped off.


RedditSlate01 t1_j214mqc wrote

This is the interesting bit! The like % of your income on groceries instead of just true value (assuming you aren’t super rich or super poor) is always interesting to see in areas


indidgenous t1_j1yqwim wrote

Damn I feel so privileged living in India sometimes


avianeddy t1_j1y31xw wrote

Eggs are more than half of that amount anywhere in America


Groundbreaking_Dare4 OP t1_j1y7i0p wrote

Eggs are just over 10 cents each here.


ArmedBull t1_j1yr7z2 wrote

Oh man, at least in my neck of the woods in the US, eggs have gone up a fuck ton. 18 packs at my store are going for $8 now, and they're somehow more expensive than the organic eggs, so maybe some of the price is local supply issues, but still lol


ChocklitChips t1_j1xzbx4 wrote

Thailand huh? If I didn't have kids I'd sell up and just retire there... For now I'll just keep getting chewed up by the corporate train!


Groundbreaking_Dare4 OP t1_j1y7ag4 wrote

Next door, Laos.


HNFOIClBr t1_j1z2h6n wrote

I don't beleave you. What does a single banana cost? Like $10?


waldloifer01 t1_j1ybny5 wrote

Looks delicious! What's for dinner?


The_Lions_eye t1_j1yhkev wrote

In Canada, I could have the cauliflower and the two avocados for $10...maybe


Amaxophobe t1_j1yyxh9 wrote

Wtf, just one of those cauliflower heads is $7.99 here right now. 😭


j-la21 t1_j1zcts2 wrote

FINALLY!!! Someone in one of these pictures who actually buys food. No soda. No candy. I commend you.


NonConformistFlmingo t1_j20p3wx wrote

In the U.S, that pitaya alone would be close to $9 USD.


maybeinoregon t1_j2116vv wrote

I came to ask what the pink item was…thanks! After looking it up, those sound delicious!


NonConformistFlmingo t1_j214hyd wrote

Also known as Dragon Fruit. They are good in a soft flavor way, they aren't as overtly sweet as most fruits.


NotAReal_Doctor t1_j1xxq0q wrote

Post your receipt. That’s at least double your claim.


Groundbreaking_Dare4 OP t1_j1y77fe wrote

I bought everything at the local wet market. Cash only no receipts. Very common here in SE Asia.


mattminded t1_j1y9cho wrote

Good food is still well priced


KarmVana t1_j1yj4c9 wrote

Bananans for ants?


[deleted] t1_j1y8icw wrote

That dragon fruit would be at least 7 dollars here in Arkansas


Punloverrrr t1_j1y9hzu wrote

Damn, the dragon fruit alone would be 4-6 dollars here


Neokami14 t1_j1yb8iu wrote

The dragonfruit here would cost that alone.


Okashi_dorobou t1_j1yhfq2 wrote

Ooh I thought this is Thailand based on the brand name when I zoomed in. But then OP said it's Laos. Still on the mark though. Generally us South East Asian have it easy with vegetables. Most of the times they're cheap enough.


Beartemis t1_j1ykgv8 wrote

Just the avivados are 6dls here


johnsgrove t1_j1yl871 wrote

Good heavens. Where? I’m moving there


Whathekel t1_j1ynpv4 wrote

Jesus look at the size of that carrot 🥕


Minus15t t1_j1yrnee wrote

OP is a time traveller from 1992


TizonaBlu t1_j1yvpkq wrote

That’s actually amazing. This would be unironically $40-50 where I live.


10xkaioken t1_j1ywwpn wrote

Wow I just spend 10 dollar for 2 fruit, corn and water


JRsFancy t1_j1yxd7a wrote

Going to make a fusilli Jerry? Sorry, a Laotian won't get that, but I had to say it.


windol1 t1_j1yxsws wrote

All that food and none of it looks slightly deformed, wonder how much the farmers have to throw out because retailers won't take them if they're not perfect. Makes me glad I can buy range of food cheaper that is made up of products that don't look perfect in shape.


Veasna1 t1_j204htu wrote

Yeah, they should sell all of it. We'd buy it.


nashuanuke t1_j1yymum wrote

ooh, what's Vietnamese crudite like?


dinglebop69 t1_j1yzs32 wrote

I didn't know you could get bananas that look so.. chode like


noneofmynamesworked t1_j1z0fbh wrote

Those two avocados alone would set me back that much here in Canada, it's whack


ProfessorFull4008 t1_j1z4j43 wrote

We should megathread these posts. They are all bullshit and none of them are ever verified. Or start another sub called grocerypics are some stupid shit.


Mustang46L t1_j1zjl7e wrote

You know it isn't the US because you didn't buy 3 lbs of carrots and 10 lbs of potatoes. I literally don't know if my grocery store sells single carrots.


Veasna1 t1_j204afe wrote

Looks delicious, I'd buy that. Good price too.


hemper1337 t1_j20nebi wrote

Those bananas are making this post personal…


JohnnyFatSack t1_j2120dz wrote

That dragon fruit alone costs $7.99 in dallas!


Mauzer6 t1_j212pkd wrote

That would cost me $50 in Wisconsin, United States


RedditSlate01 t1_j214dev wrote

This is very purchasing power parity comes into play, is $9.99 very little money to you? Like what would the average wage be in your area to get a better sense of the real cost.

To Americans with even a federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour this is like impossibly cheap.

Though! If someone is making significantly less than that it gives more perspective.


Harlequin-sama t1_j219u1w wrote

What is this ?rose? fruit with green leaves?


EnglandCricketFan t1_j21rowe wrote

Dragonfruit. It's supposed to be subtly amazing. It's mostly supremely underwhelming.


Harlequin-sama t1_j21up4c wrote

Thanks! Never saw one in a supermarket in Germany. Well, then I didn't miss anything :D
I only tasted liquid with dragonfruit, but wasn't that good.


SenatorCrabHat t1_j21fzks wrote

Cauliflowers where I am at are like...5 dollars a piece if not more...

Glad you are able to get good healthy food!


ifoundit1 t1_j21p4g2 wrote

That dragon fruit is at least 6.80 and those bananas are 3


BigBallSCAH t1_j21xkxo wrote

Oooo good bit of tofu too. How you gonna use it? Marinade in some soy sauce and honey?


Groundbreaking_Dare4 OP t1_j22fqbs wrote

Soy sauce, lime juice, minced garlic and brown sugar marinade.


BigBallSCAH t1_j29eucd wrote

That sounds god damn beautiful. I'm gonna have to run off to my Asian supermarket now


TheTekkitBoss t1_j22efuv wrote

$40 at the local grocery store, take it or leave it


Erocday t1_j1y4l8v wrote

I'm in the US. I just got a ton of avocados at $0.56 a piece. You just gotta know where to look.


Senior_Top6076 t1_j1y57pt wrote

Finally, someone without dead animals!


Hancri84 t1_j209rcp wrote

No meat?
