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mhardin1337 t1_iy9jknb wrote


TeReaper567 t1_iy9k58t wrote

No it isn't. Some people like that type of food. I taste sweet things completely different to my mother so some things that are sweet for her are just not sweet for me. And the reverse. So to say that all Mc Donalds food is universally hated unless you ignore the bad is dumb. I dont get your point. Oh it's bad but people can ignore that because. Because what? They havent had better? Or they are poor? Wheres the logic. They havent had better sure some but I know many people who have had lots of diff6good foods but still eat McDonald's.


mhardin1337 t1_iy9le66 wrote

I understand it tastes good to some. I hope it does with all the bullshit they're putting into it.

Just say yall like poisoning yourselves because youre too fucking lazy to cook. lol


TeReaper567 t1_iy9m57j wrote

So do you grow your own food, collect rainwater, grow livestock? I mean today theres microplastics in rainwater apparently. Unless you get your own food how can you know what's in it. Sure when I cook food there might be less preservatives in it that Maccas but like the amount of food that has preservatives in it now adays is basically almost everything.

Sure you might get less but you're still gonna get this 'poison' if you cook your own food. Just less Maybe.