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schoolsuck0 t1_jdtk74b wrote

Damn did your salt and pepper stand you up too?


winkersnacc t1_jdtpxg1 wrote

try for medium high when cooking your steak. sorry you got stood up. their loss.


pinniped1 t1_jdtrdzm wrote

Medium high? I like to cook steak when I'm not high at all, aiming for medium rare.


winkersnacc t1_jdtrhbh wrote

i meant for the sear, mate. you crack me up


bloode975 t1_jdujr61 wrote

Honestly I wish I could routinely get a good sear, I can do everything basically the same and get great sears for most cuts 75% of the time, but 10% of the time for rump which is the main one sold near my place and its downright depressing :(


newjackcity0987 t1_jdv2t6z wrote

Try a cast iron pan (if you havent already). They seem to work better for me with the thicker cuts of meat


tehmlem t1_jdv5t4z wrote

I found a rusted old cast iron that I cleaned up and I finally have the seasoning right so I can just throw meat on it and it sears without sticking at all. Still no slidey eggs but I'm proud of my work


snoozieboi t1_jdwhezm wrote

I'm no expert, but cast iron becomes naturally non-stick if you "season it"

Random link:

Considering how many teflon pans I've ruined (and how toxic the precursor to teflon are) I'm planning to either go cast iron or try one of those enameled ones. I just need to find the right size and weight. My cast iron skillet feels a bit too small and is already ridiculously heavy.


d_lan88 t1_jdus1ar wrote

Get the temp very high. For rump, sear the fat cap first by holding the steak on its side, so you get some fatty juices rendering on the pan. Remember the meaty bit of rump is very lean, so wont get that crusty goodness without some fat. You also need to get some butter in there after 2-3 min. Don't be afraid to flip every min to get an even cook.


bloode975 t1_jdus53j wrote

Yea that's been my general process, guess either I'm cocking something up bad or the burner ain't that great xD


jinbtown t1_jdvyjuj wrote

are you drying the meat in the fridge uncovered for like 12-24 hours? on a wire cookie cooling rack? you want dry air on all sides of the meat so it loses all the moisture. the heavy seasoning / salting is what sucks the moisture out of the "crust" of the steak and it collects in a cookie sheet used as a drip pan


d_lan88 t1_jdusfmx wrote

For most home stove tops I would max the fuck out and get ready to turn off the smoke alarm. Tis the only way to go to get a proper sear.


IWantToHideForever t1_jduspgf wrote

i pat my bad boy dry after a marinade poked w a fork, then reaseason , 3 min on each side on highest heat possible w olive oil and yuhhh


eggsaladactyl t1_jdvbub4 wrote

Try canola oil. Much higher smoke point than olive oil.


IWantToHideForever t1_jdy9qp5 wrote

thank you- my first steak my bf didn’t have canola oil but I’ll remember that for when we go shopping


eggsaladactyl t1_jdycgf7 wrote

Helps a ton! Also for a really nice crust I like to do a dry rub on my steaks and stick em in the fridge for at least a couple hours if not overnight. Really helps extract any moisture so you get a really nice crust.


NewTown_BurnOut t1_jdtqvku wrote

As far as I’m concerned, they saved you some time and trouble. Keep your chin up and keep putting yourself out there and I promise that you will find someone who appreciates you


puffferfish t1_jduwynk wrote

Exactly. I’ve gone on many first and only dates. If I could have had this blazing red flag, I would have been thankful. It’s not OP that was stood up, but it was that trash that missed out on someone willing to go on a date with them.


soMAJESTIC t1_jdtun7c wrote

This is why I like r/nocontextpics


franklanpat t1_jduy0ud wrote

You gotta sear the steak brotha, put og on High and presalt it


grumpy_uncle t1_jdtp2u5 wrote

At least they don’t have to smell your asparagus pee.


jeffpollard t1_jdub24s wrote

Came here to say this. You win. For now. 😜


wrp1 t1_jdw5pdd wrote

They dodged a bullet!


djpresstone t1_jdtlsc4 wrote

Solid. Dining alone can be good company too. Stay strong.


333liLozoya t1_jdtor0f wrote

Got stood up today too!!! You keep ur head up!!! Cheers!!! Much Love and kindness to you 🤘🏼


twelvebegin t1_jdwghfn wrote

The no show did you a favor. If that’s the kinda loser they are, best to know up front.


genius_emu t1_jdtjq9j wrote

That’s a bummer but I hope the food was good. It looks amazing!


the_gooog t1_jdu54hc wrote

I asked a beautiful girl out on a date, she said yes and we exchanged numbers. she stood me up and i confronted her about it. i guess it was a legit excuse but seriously though she could've just texted or called me.


zibitee t1_jdudenh wrote

pro tip: confirm your date the day of. If they don't respond, then don't show.


Joey1127 t1_jduf1un wrote

Enjoy the pee! That should cheer you up.


KayHue t1_jdufg4o wrote

I hope you feel OK. I'm sorry it happened to you. Some people are just rude. But I hope they apologise to you.


CapG_13 t1_jduhf8i wrote

I'm really sorry about that, but for what it's worth I think that looks really good and that this belongs on r/tonightsdinner!!!


Modavo t1_jduuxco wrote

Steak first date... nah fam you lucky if you get m&ms


sethyourgoals t1_jdv42cy wrote

It happens. That’s a damn good looking meal though enjoy!


Weekend_Squire t1_jdv5l6v wrote

Put in a movie and you have the makings of a perfect evening.


AwTickStick t1_jdvkhd8 wrote

That my friend is called practice. Keep practicing! Not many of us stick with the first person we attempt to date :) and lots of us have been stood up. It’s just a reflection of the person who lied about meeting you, not on yourself


jinbtown t1_jdvyb09 wrote

take your steak out of the packaging and place on a wire rack on a cookie sheet 24 hours before cooking. salt generously and freshly grind black pepper, coating all sides with salt. then place wire rack in the refrigerator uncovered for 24 hours, 4 hours minimum but longer is better. get your cast iron pan with neutral oil just to the smoke point and drop it in. I like the 1-2 min per side and keep flipping until internal temp registers 120-125, then rest for 5 minutes and slice against the grain.


Iggyhopper t1_jdx9hs6 wrote

So you didn't stay and eat great food?

Is the only reason you went to a restaurant and spend money was a woman?

Big oof.


notexactscience t1_jdxspv2 wrote

That looks delicious. Better luck next time on the date, bud!


Cyclic404 t1_jdtucpq wrote

Mmmm, I used to make this all the time. Damn fine cooking.


whatsinaname1970 t1_jdu35km wrote

I hope s/he is ok. Maybe there was a reason? Maybe reach out just to ask if s/he is ok.


Nathan84 t1_jduntsm wrote

I feel for you. It happened to me recently as well.


brankopia t1_jdup9in wrote

Mmmnn love steak😍


breakeven_not t1_jduq1tn wrote

That steak looks amazing. It's a good thing the date did not show up, what if they would have asked you to share it?


Ozonewanderer t1_jduv3jp wrote

Why the hell do people do that?


Aberdolf-Linkler t1_jdwixqv wrote

Maybe they showed up for the date, saw OP was 10 years older or 100 lbs gained since his/her dating profile pictures. Or maybe OP made it up. You don't know the whole story.


Ozonewanderer t1_jdx3wsd wrote

So those are legitimate reasons for turning around and no show. Interesting. I’ve never done online dating so I don’t have a clue.


-Reader91- t1_jdv99o3 wrote

Eh, i had a same sort of thing happen to me saturday evening. I had invited my friendgroup for a movie night at my place. I bought the movie, bought snacks and drinks, put my furniture in the right place, set up the beamer and screen and at half past 7...nobody.


TinFoilRainHat t1_jdxug01 wrote

Do you want me to find videos to improve your cooking? I'm sorry to be rude but with a little instruction, you could turn that into something way better


Less_Ad_6913 t1_jdu35tc wrote

where are the mashed potatoes 👎🏽👎🏽


EchoEquani t1_jdufgam wrote

I would have messaged them and said you missed an awesome steak dinner and sent that picture.


The_Equalitarian t1_jdty8ue wrote

yum.....plain steak /s


WhyYouSoToxic_ t1_jdv82ca wrote

I don’t get it, how is it plain?


brihamedit t1_jdv6ble wrote

You have to have enough contact before a first date. Women are riding the infinite carousel and don't take dates seriously. You have to dig in take up space in her attention span before going out for dinner.


pinniped1 t1_jdtriju wrote

Plot twist: OP had the steak, date was supposed to bring the dry rub.
