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alabertio t1_ja5lued wrote

I mean it’s the same date but different occasion, I don’t think it should condition your daughter birthday it’s her party. I have a cousin born on 9/11 this haven’t stopped him celebrate his birthday


Total_Customer_6627 t1_ja5m1wl wrote

Unless you live in Ukraine or Russia, this isn’t like, really anything at all.


marble-pig OP t1_ja5moej wrote

We chose a theme, chose the colours, put the decorations, took a lot of pictures and later we realized it was the colours of the Ucranian flag, and there was even kind of a flag hung on it's side.

Of course this didn't bother us, is just a silly observation.


marble-pig OP t1_ja5nqzx wrote

Sure, this don't bother us, and it won't matter at all to her. As I said in another comment, it's just a silly observation, because we realized the party had the colours of the Ucranian flag.


shiriunagi t1_ja5wejc wrote

How about 1 year of survival? Or 1 year of "fuck tyrany!"


Leanardoe t1_ja5ztwz wrote

You got yellow and blue themed stuff how is that an accident


marble-pig OP t1_ja68gpq wrote

The blue and yellow were on purpose, obviously! Blue skies and yellow stars.

The "by accident" part was hanging stuff just like the flag of Ukraine, on the day after the war one year anniversary. My daughter just happened to be born the day after the war started.


HowlUcha t1_ja6isek wrote

then why post about it on the internet like a brag?