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Who_reads_these t1_ja61yi4 wrote

I can’t think of one movie that Jeff Bridges did that he wasn’t perfect. Very cool photo.


Stivo887 t1_ja6bh0q wrote

Loved him in true grit.


Interesting_Act1286 t1_ja6da4q wrote

Jagged Edge is a favorite.


CGordini t1_ja6smbe wrote

he's even fucking amazing in Iron Man, and that is not a role for him


1Freezer1 t1_ja75b44 wrote

Somehow nobody mentioned Tron legacy.

Such a cool fucking movie


TheScarlettHarlot t1_ja79jb9 wrote

“Am I still to create the perfect system?!”


I fucking love the delivery of that line.


Zircon_72 t1_ja8f8tn wrote

Shame that Tron 3 never happened


PinkBored t1_ja6kjhk wrote

Blown Away. The scene where he is talking while eating mussels is far from perfect.


Neoki t1_ja6rk7e wrote

Names Liam...

That line sticks with me. Great movie.


DigMeTX t1_ja6wdn0 wrote

He just has a way of delivering dialogue that is totally captivating to me.


ttaptt t1_ja74p0u wrote

Wasn't he in Altered States? That movie was a trip.

Edit: Oh, nope it was William Hurt, but I'm leaving this comment because that movie was awesome, so if anyone watches it and likes it, eh! Good.


johnabegood t1_ja6xv71 wrote

Ehhh, Disregard Seventh Son. That movie was so embarrassingly bad, not even Jeff could save it.


PossibilityRough923 t1_ja7vo1n wrote

Even HIS legendary voice could not deliver the “seventh son of a seventh son” line without making me do an epileptic eye roll.


fibralarevoluccion t1_ja7cplk wrote

His musical number in the Last Unicorn has gotten me through some tough times


from_whereiggypopped t1_ja7w85g wrote

Love Jeff Bridges, he's in one of my all time favorites The Fisher King. But he wasn't all that great in Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. Remembered it from way back (you'd think Clint Eastwood, Bridges and a fairly decent supporting cast) rented on DVD from Netflix several yrs ago...terrible movie. Didn't remember it being that bad...