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4tehlulzez t1_jaczz1i wrote

Where does the brain go? I thought we had important stuff there


snausagesinablanket t1_jad33ie wrote

In the abdomen silly!


cfdeveloper t1_jadqowp wrote

makes sense. I always did think with my stomach. no wonder why I was the easiest to kidnap out of my friends!


phinbar t1_jad41im wrote

You'd be surprised the folks walking around with not much stuff there.


terbanator t1_jadly2n wrote

The brain is surprisingly much smaller than the full shape of the head. There is a thick layer between the scalp and the skull, and the thickness of the bone itself. I definitely was shocked the first time I saw a patient with a craniectomy.


Gram64 t1_jae9os7 wrote

wait, movies and television have lied to us again? Well, that's the last straw.


imamydesk t1_jadnhue wrote

That section of the brain is stored in a jar. It's probably just relaxing there once the pressure is gone.


Wayelder t1_jae898t wrote

generally, the lower lower abdomen ...kinda near the recum, if my experience with people counts for anything. On a clear day you can look up and right at it.